“Of course. After that, I’d like everyone to join us for a late lunch,” Adora said, handing a bag to Protego. “Take these to my room, please.”

“Defineeveryone,” Haruka’s voice rang from the steps of the staircase.

“The Reditus family, Primrose and your schoolmasters, and Mrs. Sharp,” Adora explained.

“Auntie! Uncle! Welcome home,” Sera shouted from the top step.

“So glad to see you made it back as well,” Bazz returned.

“John-Edward will not be joining us as he’s been critically injured,” Haruka said.

“Oh… of course not. Please, let me know if there’s anything I can do for him.” Adora’s blue-green eyes scanned the room.

“Mother, please make him a pain remedy. A kind of tea, maybe? Anything to ease the excruciating way he feels,” Primrose asked.

“How about I freshen up, we all have lunch, and then we make one together?” Adora suggested.

“Perfect,” Primrose said and watched her mother walk up the stairs.

The woman was as beautiful and curvaceous as Primrose remembered, and her cornflower blue dress, now stained, swayed with every step.

Protego put on the black tunic Primrose provided to match his trousers. It cut his figure well, the light fabric showing off the strong muscles of his arms. Changing into a white, plain chemise with no overdress, Primrose looked at him and drew in a deep breath.

“Anything I should know before we head down there? A last warning?” Protego asked.

“Yes! We aren’t lovers, you aren’t a demon, and I am not… magical,” she quickly replied.

Descending the stairs, the two of them started towards the dining room. The well-lit space was fresh and bright, and the air smelled of cut lemons. Sunshine poured through the glass ceiling, illuminating the large cherrywood table set.

Already seated at the rectangular table were Primrose’s parents, along with Sera and Haruka. Three chairs were left unoccupied, leaving Primrose to sit between her parents and cousin. Protego begrudgingly sat away from her at the end near Haruka. They all sat on the side closest to the wall, leaving the alternate side and ends empty. Primrose sighed, wishing to be closer to Protego.

Master Zuberi entered the room, and Protego gestured for him to sit beside him. Obliging, Master Zuberi sat at the very end and politely nodded as he passed everyone by.

“Mrs. Sharp said the food will be ready momentarily. In the meantime, would anyone like some water?” Bazz asked.

“I will admit, I am rather thirsty,” said Master Zuberi.

Sera stood, grasping a pitcher of water, and began to pour everyone a glass.

“Now that we’re all here, can you all explain to me what happened in the castle?” Adora asked. Her tone was sharp, bordering on accusatory.

“What makes you believe something happenedinthe castle?” Primrose dared to ask.

“There were monsters lurking about the continent, but specifically by our village, and our floors are spotless,” Adora said.

Protego choked on his water and placed the glass down on the table.

“Something wrong with clean floors?” Sera smiled playfully.

Adora’s eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. “I know it isn’t a coincidence that the monsters loomed closest to our castle and village. I also know it isn’t a coincidence that our grounds are somehow spotless, so can someone just elaborate on what happened? I’m not angry.”

“The Duchessisangry, but rightfully so. We were so worried about you all, we are just asking for clarification.” The Duke smiled.

“I amnotangry.” Adora side-eyed her husband.

“I made some idiotic decisions that led to monsters attacking the village,” Primrose confessed.

“You did what?!” Adora asked, her voice enraged.