“Good morning Lady Primrose, good morning Protego,” Mrs. Sharp said, serving them plates of food as they sat down.
“How is your husband?” Protego asked, eyeing the crispy strips of turkey.
“He’s still fragile but very much alive, thanks to all of you.” Mrs. Sharp nodded.
“Don’t bunch me in with them, I nearly pissed myself in fear,” Sera slipped out and rushed a hand towards her mouth.
“Sera!” Mrs. Sharp scolded her as she walked out.
“I think you are brave,” Haruka said as she grabbed her lover’s hand, intertwining their fingers.
“Brave for what? Not pissing herself?” Protego asked, causing Primrose to let out a small giggle.
“I was going to say for coming back to warn us, all alone. She could have run into something fearsome.” Haruka glared at Protego.
“Have we heard any news of more monsters?” Primrose pondered aloud, disrupting the bickering.
“I believe they aremostlycentralized to this area; I think their connection is you, not Vero Village.”
Primrose’s shoulders relaxed, a weight lifted off of her. She sighed deeply, face still contemplative.
“How long until Master Zuberi returns?” Sera asked as she grabbed a slice of toast.
“Any day now,” Haruka answered, shoving another forkful of pancake into her mouth.
The group continued eating, drinking orange juice, and quietly enjoying each other’s company.
“Protego, what was it Alina was talking about before she died? She mentioned Aeternus… I’m just wondering...” Haruka said, ending the quiet.
Primrose’s muscles tensed, and Protego froze, his fork still in hand. Her heart began to race as she scanned her mind, looking for anything she could come up with that would make sense.
“She was just trying to make him look like the bad guy,” Primrose rallied.
“You both reacted to it, though. I’m not accusing him, Prim,” Haruka said. ”I just want to know. Life’s been bizarre lately. You have fire magic? You never told me that. You’re my best friend, and you never told me.”
“I’m sorry, I’ve kept it a secret out of fear,” Primrose’s voice caught in her throat.
“I know you weren’t trying to hurt me, but I mean, Protego has shadow magic? I have no idea where that comes from, other than his claim of being a sorcerer. I’m just trying to make sense of things,” Haruka explained.
Primrose watched as Sera uncomfortably leaned away from the three of them.
“Iama sorcerer,” Protego exclaimed.
Haruka rolled her eyes. “Okay, so why can’t you just break the spell? What are we waiting on Akil for?”
“The Rose of Sanitus,” Primrose reminded them.
“If you’re a sorcerer, why can’t you just stop all this?” Haruka’s brows furrowed in frustration.
Sera collected their dirty plates as the three of them continued on.
Primrose looked at her and nodded a thank you, and Sera began walking out.
“Come get me when you’re done squabbling over nothing,” Sera said, red hair and larger, curvy form swaying as she exited the room.
Protego sighed. “I am not that kind of sorcerer.”
“So you’re useless? I’m just clarifying,” Haruka snickered.