“Apparently just your friend… he must be really strong!” Lisette looked hopeful.

“She is.” Primrose nodded. “Why do you think the girl we found is the monster?”

“Groups of men don’t go into someplace to die and then a mere child survives. She might not bethemonster, but I reckon she’s a monster in her own right.”

Protego looked pensive as he paced back and forth, rubbing at his temples.

“What’s wrong?” Primrose asked, but he didn’t respond. He continued pacing.

Hector and Lisette appeared worried as they watched Protego.

“Protego,” Primrose called out, breaking the tension.

“What could she be? I mean, we’ve killed a basilisk, a vampyre, she’s clearly not a drudoth; what the fuck could she be?” Protego’s breathing grew heavy as his chest rose and fell in rapid movements, the stress reaching his expression.

“She might not be the thing that’s killing the men. What if she’s just magical enough to ensure her own survival?” Primrose asked.

“Primrose has a point. Maybe the girl was too fast. Maybe somehow she escaped the beast?” Lisette suggested.

“Only one way to find out,” Protego proclaimed. Primrose’s eyes widened with realization. They were going to have to investigate it themselves.

Hector provided them with as many supplies as he and Lisette found necessary. A knife for Primrose, some food in case they get trapped in the forest, and a water canteen to squelch their thirst. Their little boy waved goodbye as Primrose and Protego exited the shop and headed towards the woods north of Vero Village.

As they approached the cusp of the forest, Primrose looked at Protego with fearful eyes.

“Starling, I made you a promise. You are safe. We will be fine, just stay behind me and be on your guard. If there truly is a monster killing dozens of men, it will be big enough for us to see from afar,” Protego assured her, taking Primrose by the hand and kissing her knuckles.

As they tread towards the center, tall trees surrounded them on all sides. Though it was mid-day, the trees lurched over them, creating shadows. Through the shade, Primrose could see what appeared to be a pile of bodies. Bile crept up her throat as they approached the mound, which reeked of rotting flesh. The recently deceased toppled bones after stacked bones.

“Fucking Aeternus,” Protego called out.

“What could have done this? I don’t see any deep wounds.” Primrose’s heart was racing. She glanced around, seeking out the creature that could have done this much damage.

“There are claw marks on their shoulders from where they were held,” Protego pointed out, grasping a man’s arm.

“Were they stabbed?”


Primrose’s face scrunched with confusion. “How did they die then? Poison?”

“It appears their souls were ripped from their physical form.”

Both sets of eyes widened with horror as they realized just how dangerous Alina is.

Protego inhaled a deep breath. “She’s a sluagh.”

“The soul eaters they told us about as children to make us come home before dark? I thought they were a myth.”

“It’s no myth. Sluagh typically come in masses. This means she’s either the last of her pack to survive, or there’s an entire hoard coming for the Reditus Castle. Either way, we better run.”

“Haruka and the Sharps…” Primrose trailed off, fearful.

“Haruka is strong. I think she can protect everyone, at least until we get back.” he assured her.

Primrose and Protego began sprinting towards the Reditus Castle. They would take breaks to let Primrose calm her ragged breathing and take a sip of water from the canteen every few minutes. As they drew nearer, Protego scooped Primrose up and carried her in his arms, allowing him to hasten their pace. Once the castle and its growing vines and gardens were in sight, Protego put her down and darted for the gate. A blood-curdling scream came from inside as they desperately tried to open the front doors.

“What happened?” Protego shouted as he ran towards the sound, leading him into the kitchen. Primrose followed closely behind him.