“You’re right. Let’s give her some space. Alina, let us know if you need anything. My room is down the hall, and Primrose’s is upstairs. We also frequent the library on this floor but towards the West.” Haruka smiled and then departed the room, tiptoeing, so her boots didn’t step too loud.

Primrose curtseyed towards the girl like she’d seen the Princess do and followed Haruka, Protego trailing behind her. Once Haruka was no longer in sight, he gently clasped Primrose’s arm with his large hand.

“She reeks of magic.” Protego’s nose twitched.

Primrose tilted her head to the side, contemplative. “Who?”

“The child,” he whispered.

“What does that mean?”

Protego scratched his chin. “She’s probably a descendant of a sorcerer.”

“Just like we told Mrs. Sharp and Haruka about you?” Primrose let out a small laugh as they continued down the hall. A dying, once green plant sat in the center of a marble credenza. She glanced at it as they passed by.

“No, starling, arealsorcerer. She’s not a spirit. Her eyes would be red.”

“What do we do?”

Protego took a measured breath. “Do you want to see more of Mid-Terra? Before they send you off.”

“I mean, I’d like that a lot, but how will it help Alina?”

“I think the best course of action is finding her parents. We go to Vero Village and ask around to figure out how to get her home.”

Primrose looked over at Protego with wide beaming eyes and grinned, overjoyed. “Tomorrow is Lux Aestiva!”

“Which is…?”

“The huge summer festival in Vero Village! We used to go every year and parade around the streets. I haven’t been since I was a young girl. Can we go? I miss it….” Primrose gave him a pleading expression as if prepared to beg.

“As you wish. I hope no monsters follow us into the village,” he stated, facing west towards the library.

“If they do, I’m sure you’ll make quick work of them!”

“Just because I’ve made a habit of fighting monsters doesn’t mean I enjoy it.” Protego groaned as he watched her ascend the staircase.

Primrose stood in her bedroom, chest of drawers open to reveal her clothes. She sorted through them to find something to wear on the journey. Light footsteps came towards the door, which opened to reveal Haruka.

“What are you wearing, and what are you bringing?” Haruka asked, sifting through the fabric.

“I want to look pretty but practical,” Primrose exclaimed.

“Why pretty?”

“For the festival….”

Haruka crossed her arms. “I know when you’re lying, you always look away before telling a lie.”

Primrose frowned. “You’re the worst!”

“You like him.”

“Yeah… he’s great.” Primrose sighed.

“What if you run away to the Desert Isles with him? I love you, but you’re going to be miserable with Hugo Mercer. What if you did as I did and leave your old life behind?”

“If I run away, Queen Lilith will make my parents’ lives a living hell. This all has to do with The Ice Queen and her plans for conquering. Queen Lilith is trying to avoid all-out war.”