Protego sighed, and they both walked towards the entryway, shoulder to shoulder. Primrose looked down and noticed how large Protego’s boots looked compared to her tiny, bare feet. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, but his eyebrows were creased. Confused, but enthralled, he shook his head.

“Do you think Haruka and the others trust me?”

“Hmm. I’m unsure,” Primrose pondered as they walked. “I think they trust me, and I trust you. Haruka seems to be fond of you.”

“Fond is not the word I’d use. Why do you trust me?”

“Should I not?” she questioned.

“I didn’t intend it that way. I’m just hoping to understand you better. I want to see inside that pretty brain of yours.”

Primrose tilted her head. “It feels like I’ve known you longer than I have; almost as if we were meant to become friends. I can’t quite explain it, but I think you mean well. You’re genuine.”

“I mean, youhaveknown me for a long time,” he suggested.


“I—Uh. I feel as though we’ve known each other for a long time.” Protego’s face turned red.

“Oh. Yeah, it’s just one of those things….”

As they approached Haruka’s bedroom, they could see her door open. Walking in, Primrose watched her friend lace up her boots. Haruka’s tight pants revealed the prominence of her quads. Her strength was apparent as she stood up before them.

“I wanted to let you both know that there was a disturbance in the nearby woods. Someone heard a child screaming last night. Daylight won’t last forever, so I am going to see if I can locate this poor kid,” Haruka informed them.

“Perhaps I should go...” Protego suggested, leaning against the frame of the door. Primrose looked over at him and began to feel woozy, fearful of him leaving. He noticed Primrose losing her balance and placed a hand behind her back, anchoring her.

Haruka shook her head. “You most certainly should not. I’m very capable. Besides, it is best if you stay here and protect Prim.”

“If you don’t return by morning, we will come looking for you.” Primrose smiled at her friend, the tension in her core easing.

“If I don’t return by morning, I’m dead. In that case, tell Sera I love her.” Haruka laughed and then brought Primrose’s hand to her face and gently kissed it before heading for the door.

Protego nodded at Haruka, noticing she nearly reached his height, before moving out from her path. Black boots marched along the floorboards as she ran down the hall towards the back exit.

Chapter Ten

Oncethelemoncakewas finished baking, Primrose removed it from the oven and allowed it to cool before prepping it with the frosting. The pale yellow paste consisted of powdered sugar mixed with the leftover lemon juice. Protego licked his lips and watched her pour it over the now risen cake. After the icing had been permeated and dried, Primrose used a fork to cut a small piece and brought it towards Protego’s mouth. He opened his mouth and slowly scraped the cake off the fork with his teeth.

“I must confess, that’s ridiculously good.” He grinned, red eyes gleaming with delight.

“I can’t believe you’ve never had cake.” Primrose shook her head with disbelief.

“I can’t believe you’ve never fought a basilisk,” he teased, lightly pushing her shoulder.

“I’ll never have to so long as you’re around.”

A windy sound came from the back end of the castle, like a swinging door, followed by a loud thud. Primrose and Protego’s bodies stilled, muscles tensing, as they looked at each other.

“How long has Haruka been gone?” Protego whispered as his forehead creased.

“A few hours,” Primrose replied.

“Somebody help!” Haruka’s voice echoed through the near-empty halls.

“Shit,” Protego muttered as they darted out of the kitchen.

As they reached the sound of Haruka’s voice, they saw her holding a small, limp body. It was pale and almost lifeless. Haruka placed the child on an ornate rug in the center of the room. Primrose could see the rise and fall of the child’s chest, and relief hit her.