Primrose stared at the wall and considered her options, marrying Hugo or running away, when Haruka crossed the threshold.

“You look like death, Prim,” Haruka said, dark eyes upon her.

“So I’ve heard.”

Haruka’s wide-set nose scrunched. “You smell like death too. When’s the last time you showered?”

“Did you come here to bitch at me?” She asked, glaring sharply at her friend.

“I came here because I’m fucking worried about you. You’ve been in here for nearly a week.”

“I’m fine,” she bit out.

“You’re not fine. You’re literally in mourning.”

Primrose’s face turned pensive. “Mourning what?”

“Mourning the life you wanted to have but can’t.” Haruka’s words were like ice down her spine.

Sera entered, silver tray in hand covered in fruit and sandwiches.

“Here,” Sera said, handing over some grapes.

Primrose slowly bit into the fruit. She begrudgingly chewed to not worry them, but the whole world lacked flavor.

“Tomorrow, if you’re feeling up to it, let’s walk around the grounds with Drusilla.” Haruka lightly smacked her hand against Primrose’s knee and headed towards the door.

“I’d like that.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

GrabbingDrusilla’sreins,Primrosewalked out of the stables and was greeted by her friend and cousin. Sera wore a simple, long white dress that came up high on her neck, loud in contrast to the clothing Haruka and Primrose wore. Haruka’s outfit was clad in solid black. The leather pants and overbust corset fit snug against her body, showing off her muscular form. Primrose wore simple brown pants with a tan tunic, the drab colors coinciding with her mood.

Sera and Haruka held hands as they walked Drusilla along a grassy path headed just north of the Reditus Castle towards Gretchester Woods. Primrose breathed in the scent of pine and fresh air. The sun shined bright against their skin, and Primrose brushed the blonde strands out of her face and closed her eyes. She wanted to bask in the warm sunlight.

As they walked, Primrose remembered her times in Vero Village and Clearwater Cove with Protego. She recalled how it felt to have his arms around her, his mouth on hers, and having him inside her. She ached to feel this once more, hear him chuckle, and see his magic.

The sound of rustling leaves came from around a bend of trees, and Primrose looked to see a black carriage being pulled by two large, beautiful horses. As the carriage came closer, her head felt light with anxiety. Chest tight, she looked at Haruka and Sera, who appeared uncomfortable.

The carriage door opened to reveal a short, older gentleman. Hugo Mercer.

“Hello, ladies,” he croaked out, his voice an annoyance in their ears.

“Good day, Mr. Mercer.” Sera curtseyed.

“Hello, Hugo,” Haruka spat out.

Primrose tried to speak, but the words caught in her throat, lingering there.

“Sera, dear. Ensure my bride looks like a woman the next time I see her, or Queen Lilith will be informed of this… disgusting eyesore I witnessed today,” he said, shaking his head in disapproval.

“Fuck off,” Haruka muttered, barely audible.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Love you! She said love you. We’re all just thrilled to see you back,” Sera said, gritting her teeth.

“I see. I am glad to be back. I’ll be staying at The Inn with plans to return to the Reditus Castle in two days’ time for a formal dinner with Primrose,” he proclaimed, hopping back into the carriage. It circled back around and returned north.