“Hello, I’m Protego. I’m a sorcerer who has been acting as Primrose’s guard—”

“He’s essentially her boyfriend; I’ll catch you up to speed later,” Haruka interrupted.

A loud crack sounded behind them; Primrose turned in horror to find Alina’s body breaking. Long black strands of hair were falling out of her head in clumps, bones cracking beneath the skin of her back. A giant arch formed in the now decrepit skin. Moving in rhythm, bones showed through the surface of her skin, stretching her flesh. Her face turned an ashy gray as her dark eyes began to glow a vibrant white. Long hairs grew on her back in a matted mane as giant black wings began to form behind her. What was once a child was now a monster from the pits of Aeternus.

Protego summoned twin swords and threw one towards Haruka, who caught it in flight. Primrose watched in awe as she threw herself in front of Sera and Mrs. Sharp, who was shaking. Mr. Sharp angrily charged in the direction of the creature.

“My wife fed you and clothed you, and this is how you repay her...” he angrily trailed on.

The monster once known as Alina began sucking the soul out of his body. Glowing energy in shades of white and blue came out of his mouth in streams as he levitated towards her. Mr. Sharp’s body went limp as he stopped struggling, but the stream continued to funnel into the monster’s mouth. Protego slashed his longsword into the thing, causing it to retreat. It wavered in its soul-sucking for a second before continuing on. Primrose watched in horror as its body regenerated and the wound healed itself, skin melting back together. Haruka growled with rage.

“What the fuck is that thing?” Haruka shouted.

“It’s a sluagh,” Protego replied, aggressively lunging toward it.

Haruka sighed as she lifted her sword back up and anchored her body. “Wanna tell me something useful?”

“It’s a big fucking scary-ass monster that’s nearly impossible to kill and will suck everyone’s fucking souls out!” Primrose hysterically screamed, face red with anger.

“Thank you, love.” Haruka smirked.

Protego charged at the beast again, breaking its suction on Mr. Sharp’s soul. Protego’s shadows whirled around in tornado-like clusters, pushing against the creature, but there was a force—a presence preventing them from following through. As Mr. Sharp crawled towards his wife, Primrose and Haruka dragged him to a safer distance. Primrose turned back to Protego, who was knocked back again and again by the giant. It roared as it flapped its wings, and Primrose shook, bile creeping up her throat as the realization hit her.If she figures out how to fly, we’re all done for. All of us are dead. Whole towns will die. All the citizens of Vero Village. I have to do something, anything. Shit. Shit!

Anger filled Primrose as she shrieked in horror. This shriek was unlike anything heard from her throat before. She let out an agonizing, ear-splitting shriek that shook the bones of those around her. This was a war cry. Primrose’s fingers flexed with rage, and a ball of fire developed between her hands. Her vibrant green eyes turning an Aeternus-fire red, Primrose shot the fire towards the beast, setting it ablaze. As Primrose’s hands contracted, the flames burst larger and brighter. The beast screeched and attempted to shake away the fire, but it was no use. She was burning alive before their eyes. Primrose’s fire began to swarm them, intermingling with Protego’s shadows as it swirled around them and completely engulfed Alina.

“I forgot you could do that,” Sera sighed in relief.

Primrose screamed again until the monster exploded, sparks flying but no chunks of flesh hitting those around her. Wiping the spurts of blood off her face, she walked towards Protego, and he kissed her forehead.

“Help me carry Edward,” Protego told Haruka, and she nodded, taking hold of his legs while Protego carried him from underneath his arms.

“It’s John-Edward,” Mr. Sharp corrected, voice soft.

Primrose let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah, you’re okay.”

Protego and Haruka carried Mr. Sharp to his bed and gently placed him down.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Sera offered.

“Water? Wet towel?” Primrose offered as well.

“I will take care of him; it is my job. You all need to get some rest. It’s been a long, long day for all of us.” Mrs. Sharp shooed them all out of the room.

Heading into the hall, the four of them looked at each other as the silence grew until it made the air around them feel heavy.

“Do you think Auntie and Uncle will be mad?” Sera pondered aloud.

“That we killed a monster or that you’re dating our,albeit hot,teacher?” Primrose replied, eyebrows raising.

“The latter. Both? I don’t know. Also, I feel like Haruka being a woman will bother them more than her being our teacher. We’re all adults here.” Sera sassily placed a hand on her curvy hip.

“Mom and dad aren’t going to care. At least not about the two of you being together. It’s about time someone besides me knew. Theyaregonna be pissed at how much blood is everywhere, though. I think it’ll stain.” Primrose chuckled.

“I’ll handle the mess. Don’t worry, ladies!” Protego offered a cheesy grin.

Primrose looked at Haruka, who blankly stared at the floor, unreactive. “Are you okay?”

Haruka looked up and shook her head, “I am alive, for which I am grateful.”