“I’m okay—it was just a dream,” Primrose answered, catching her breath.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he whispered, taking her hand in his, interlacing their fingers.

“I’m sorry too.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.”

“I’m sorry I woke you up?” she offered.

“It’s early morning. I was bound to wake up eventually,” he returned.

“Okay. Good morning,” Primrose half-spoke, half-sang the words. Her voice was bright with a soft lilt.

Protego took his other hand and placed it on top of theirs. “Tell me about your nightmare, starling. You were screaming….”

“I’ve dreamt about it before. It’s this monster made of flesh with no eyes and massively long fingernails.” She tensed, and he rubbed her hand between his until she released the tension in her muscles.

“Did it have rows of teeth?”

“Yes! And it spoke to me. Its voice was mortifying.” Primrose sat up. “It asked me to let it in, to make it real.”

“Fuck,” Protego cursed, a look of concern growing in his face.


Protego sighed, broad shoulders rising. “That’s a drudoth. They’re one of the most dangerous monsters out there but don’t worry, it can’t hurt you unless you allow them into the physical realm. Right now, it’s in Spirito, the spirit realm that intertwines with Terra.”

“Dru-doth,” Primrose pronounced the monster’s name.

“I believe it will go away when we break the spell.”

“Why would anyone want to summon a monster like that? Why would anyone want to let it into our realm?” She placed her forehead against the front of Protego’s shoulder.

“Maybe they are suicidal maniacs? Or perhaps just plain crazy.” Protego suggested, running his fingers through her blonde locks.

“Have you been to Spirito?” Primrose asked, looking up at him. The red of his irises shined at her, twin rubies.

“Yes. In Aeternus, I am only a spirit. When I come here, I come to Spirito first as a spirit, transforming into this form or another. You cannot be here as just a spirit; you require a physical form.”

“What other forms?”

“Um… I am also a raven.” He scratched the back of his head.

Primrose’s entire body froze up as she shook her head. Her skin prickled, and her vibrant green eyes flared wide with shock. As she sat upright and then stood, she pushed Protego out of her way.

Pacing the room, Primrose began, “So you’re the raven.Mylittle birdie. Which means you have been watching me for….years? Oh no. You’ve seen so much?? Wait, you died! How are you standing here before me?”

“I know this looks bad, Primrose, but you must understand—”

“Must understand what? You’re either the biggest pervert I’ve ever met, or you’ve got some big explaining to do,” she said, cutting him off.

“Allow me to elaborate,” he requested, and she nodded. Protego patted the bed, and Primrose begrudgingly sat next to him.

Protego exhaled. “I can shapeshift, but the form won’t magically disappear; it has to rot like any dead body would.”

“Right now…if you were to transform into your spirit-self, you would just become a corpse?”
