“She’s breathing, she’s breathing,” Primrose let out in an exacerbated but relieved voice. “Protego, please go get a blanket and some water. A cold rag as well, ask Mrs. Sharp to assist you.”

Protego nodded and promptly headed down the hall. Haruka sat on the timber floor and lifted the girl, placing her head in her lap.

“What happened?” Primrose asked, brushing the long black strands away so she could touch the young girl’s forehead. It was hot. The poor sickly child couldn’t have been older than twelve.

“I’m not sure, villagers have sent complaints of someone screaming in the forest, but they never saw anything. One woman even said she heard a baby crying. I assumed an animal had attacked someone, but all I found was this girl lying on the ground, dying. She’s not bleeding, and there appear to be no injuries,” Haruka answered.

Primrose was perplexed, “Could it be that she was scared? Or sick and trying to get someone to help?”

“Very possible. I feel so bad….” Haruka looked down and cupped the girl’s cheeks. Her eyes were closed, and she squirmed at the touch.

Protego arrived with Mrs. Sharp and the supplies Primrose had requested. He placed the cold towel on the child’s head as Mrs. Sharp and Primrose wrapped her in the blanket. Handing her the water, Primrose opened the girl’s mouth to drink. Her teeth were rotten and disfigured, but her mouth opened wide, and she began to gulp.

“Where is the nearest healer? Is there one in town?” Protego asked.

“My mother. She’s the only one in Vero Village.” Primrose frowned, putting down the now empty glass.

Mrs. Sharp picked up the empty glass and looked at the young girl whose eyes were still closed. “I will fetch more water.”

“Why is there only one healer? And why was she allowed to leave?” Protego paced the room. The tan of his skin was turning red.

“She’s trying to help Primrose; give us a break. We obviously didn’t intend for a child to get sick,” Haruka whispered as she covered the girl’s ears.

Primrose stood up and crossed towards Protego, “Why are you angry?”

“I’m not angry!”

“You suresoundangry.” Primrose smiled nervously.

“I am just frustrated with everyone’s incompetence,” He bit out.

“Leave,” Haruka demanded. “Now.”

Protego gritted his teeth, jaw tensing with rage as he passed Haruka and started towards the door. He stopped at the doorway and turned back at Primrose. His expression softened as he looked at her apologetically. She turned her head away from his direction, and he nodded. His footsteps faded until Primrose could hear Mrs. Sharp questioning him from down the hall.

Bringing in another glass of water, Mrs. Sharp placed it on a small table seated next to a sofa. “How about you two get some rest? You both look exhausted.”

Haruka gently moved the girl’s head before standing. “I’ll help you move her to a guest bedroom first.”

“We’ll find out more in the morning.” Primrose nodded in agreement and left for her room. As she walked down the halls and reached her room, she considered Protego’s words.

It was stupid to send away our only healer. Am I selfish for allowing it? He didn’t need to be such an ass about it, though.

Primrose entered her bed chambers and stripped off her clothing. She turned the water on in the shower and proceeded to get in, wearily remembering what happened the last time she was there. The warm water enveloped her body as she used a salt scrub to exfoliate her skin. When she was finished washing her long strands of wavy blonde hair, she dried herself off and walked into her room. It was completely empty. She was no longer angry, no longer stressed, just at ease.

“Thank The Committee,” Primrose said aloud. “No, thank me,” She uttered afterward, mimicking Protego.

Primrose put on a soft set of nightclothes and then closed the curtains of her window. She longingly gazed towards the moon, wishing her feathered friend was still with her. Tucking herself into bed, Primrose drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Eleven

Primrose’seyesopenedtosee the skin-covered creature once more. It clawed, digging into the walls, and perched against them, spider-like. Primrose’s breathing swelled, unable to ease her ragged breaths as it tore through the wall and crawled upwards. Fear filled her core, and she watched it in horror. As it climbed, the wallpaper pulled, debris covering the floor. The monster’s mouth was open, baring its gnarly yellowed teeth. The pungent odor of its breath filled the air, causing the room to feel hot and miserable, almost as if being trapped inside a swamp. Every breath it exhaled further intensified the humidity that coated the air. Primrose screamed. “What do you want?”

“Let me in,” the creature spoke in a low grovel, so deep it was almost inaudible. It sharply cocked its head to see her, but only the empty sockets remained. Primrose jerked at the sudden movement, causing the creature to snarl.

“Make me real!” It let out in a shattered rasp, climbing further up the wall towards the ceiling. Primrose shuddered, leaning further back until she almost fell off her bed. Primrose felt hands pressing against her shoulders as she jolted awake.

“Are you okay?” Protego’s tone was low and concerned as he sat there, hovering above her.