Page 95 of Beaver

I nodded and turned to unload the paper bag of clothes on the bed. I had slipped out to buy a few items with the money Minnie had lent me. “I’m going now.”


A cold worry crept into my veins. I knew what she was thinking, and it was too dangerous. “You’ll get hurt.” Everyone near me always did.

“I can ask my mates to help—”

“No,” I shouted loud enough to make Minnie jump. “Ri is on parole—he can’t be anywhere near me, the prison, or a battle. And there will be a battle because I’m going to tear apart whoever is keeping me from my friends and mates.”

Even though Minnie looked worried, she argued back. “You can’t talk to Tiptoe, and I can, so you need me to show you where the Kingdom is.”

I sighed. “You’ll show me where it is and then leave.”

Minnie nodded and petted Tiptoe with one finger.

“I’ll meet you there,” I told her. “Find the place and stand in the street. I’ll find you. Do not get close to it alone.”

Minnie scoffed. “Why would I ever do that?”

After Minnie and Tiptoe left, I changed from my battered pink suit into my new outfit: black leggings, a crop top, and a dark jacket over the top. I kept my clunky prison boots. They were heavy and good for kicking.

I wasn’t going in quiet. No, the rage bubbling in my blood was too much for that. I paused to glance at myself in the mirror, and whispered, “No more hiding.”

I needed backup who wouldn’t get hurt, and I knew where to find it.

Juniper’s store, The Magical Rooster, was locked with the lights off despite it being the middle of the day. It stung like a dildo going in the ass dry to see her beloved shop dark and shuttered. I had gone to prison to save this business. Confessing to cursing her toys meant that everyone knew I had turned them bad, not her.

Since I had been here last, she had added a second level to the shop. Leafy plants crowded its glass walls, and I spotted some of her rogue dildos fluttering around inside like birds. I snorted. It was her rehabilitation unit for sex toys that turned bad. But I wasn’t here for them.

I was here for her security system.

I weaved Juniper’s aura around me like a cloak. When I touched the door, it unlocked and swung open. Her security dildos above the door roused themselves, shaking their butterfly wings and long bodies. Her flying ropes, cuffs, and whips uncoiled from the top shelves and weaved through the air like snakes through water. They were calm now, almost playful, because they thought I was their mistress.

I smiled. “Come on, boys, time to fuck an asshole.”

With Juniper’s aura as my own, her battle toys swooped out of the shop and followed me down the street like attack dogs excited for a fight. I took to the air. My magic hummed in my blood and along my skin, fueled by the rage burning through my heart like wildfire that kills the dying underbrush and makes way for new life. Juniper’s attack toys followed.

I didn’t care who spotted my fugitive ass and menagerie of sex toys as we soared over the town toward the prison. It rose like a tumor at the edge of the quaint little town, as out of place as a beaver at an all-dude orgy.

From above, I spotted Minnie’s autumn red hair on the street that connected to the prison’s long driveway. The road was empty, its pavement cracked and potholed. Clearly, not many people or businesses wanted to set up within sight of a magical prison.

I landed with my attack toys fluttering around me.

“I see you’ve brought a vibrating army,” Minnie said.

“Where’s the building?” I said.

Minnie pointed to a low and long building down the street. Its brick walls had been overtaken by climbing plants, and the roof was gone— I could spot the top of a tree, orange and red in the fall, somewhere beyond the front wall. But it was the narrow windows that sent a shudder down my spine. The glass was shattered and gone, but the metal bars remained.

It had been an institution of some kind, a prison or asylum, now long abandoned.

Well, it was about to become even more abandoned when I killed whoever was in there.

I marched up the building with my attack toys. Minnie fell into step next to me.

Why did people keep putting their trust in me when I kept fucking up?

“Minnie, no.”