Page 91 of Beaver

No,my brain said,you have one friend left. The only one you never fucked over.


Dropping my invisibility and aura-cloaking spells, I crossed the park and entered the forest. I stomped around loudly, hoping to catch Evanora’s attention. She hadn’t been that helpful last time, but who knew? The self-serving mysterious twig fucker might have changed her mind.

I reached the high riverbank. There was no sign of Beverly, but she might have swum downstream to the deeper waters. I trekked along the river until I spotted a pile of sticks and logs with a beaver perched on top. She adjusted a twig with her little paws.

Despite the heaviness in my chest, my heart fluttered. I crashed through the underbrush and down the bank to the river’s edge. Beverly grunted happily before climbing from her lodge and waddling to my side.

Smiling, I crouched and scratched her neck just how she liked it. Her fur was warm and damp. She squeaked and purred like she was telling me about her day, even though I couldn’t understand a word of it.

“I missed you, Beverly, but I’m glad you’re safe. Your lodge is looking cozy.”

Beverly glanced around, as though she was searching for someone.

My heart ached. “They’re not here, sweetie. They’re…” I swallowed a lump in my throat. “They’re gone. Because I fucked up.”

Beverly stared at me with her black eyes. The lock I’d been keeping around my feelings popped open at the sight of her sweet, innocent expression.

“I ruin everything good in my life. I always have, and nothing I ever try prevents it. I used to think it was because of my parents or my dark magic or Ram. But it’s not any of that. It’s me. It was always me. And now everyone is gone, and I don’t know how to get them back.”

Beverly tucked her head under my palm, and I scratched her neck again. “You’re the only friend I have left.”

She growled and then turned her back to me.

I couldn’t even blame her. “I deserve that.”

She walked a few steps before looking back at me.

“You want me to follow you?” I might as well. I didn’t want to lose the only person—well, beaver—I had left.

Standing, I followed Beverly along the river’s edge. Walking was not the easiest thing for beavers, so she slipped into the water and swam with her head above the surface. I hiked through the mud and dry leaves on the bank. Each step made a crunchy sound, but I was too tired to enjoy it.

As I followed Beverly, my magic flowed in the air around me to pick up any signs of portal or dark magic—and to attract Evanora. But she didn’t show, and I still couldn’t find the asshole who was casting the blocking spell. They might not even be near Silver Springs since they had the Astrosmos relic and could use portals at will.

Eventually, Beverly climbed from the river and trudged into the forest. I walked after her until I heard the sound of a voice raised in anger.

I rushed in front of Beverly so I could protect her from danger. Hardening my magic into purple cannonballs, I stepped out of the forest.

In front of me was a stone patio with a massive Ferris wheel on one side and a low building on the other. The rest of the space was dotted with little tables and braziers flicking with fire to warm the space. No one else was there except for the source of the shouting.

A woman with frizzy red hair argued with a squirrel perched on a table. I was used to seeing her in a prison jumpsuit or designer dresses that showed off her assets, but this time she wore baggy sweatpants and a green jacket. I was also used to seeing her standing upright, but right now, she was on all fours and twitching her ass like she was working for tips.

“Bob already paid you to stop stealing food from his customers!” she said.

The squirrel chattered.

“What do you mean, you demand double nuts?”

I relaxed my magic, letting my attack flow away. “Minerva Montgomery,” I drawled.

She scrambled to her feet, her cheeks turning pink. “Alyssa…” she trailed off. “Um, I don’t actually know your last name.”


“Really? Beaver? That’s… pretty cool. Did you know they mate for life?”

“You’re the first person to respond with a beaver fact rather than a joke.”