Page 9 of Beaver

This was Ram. He wasn’t simply bribing people—though that was part of it—he was playing them. Using them for his own ends.

“Is he sucking cock for umbrellas?”

I snorted.

“Almost a laugh,” Jag said with a widening grin. “The way to Alyssa’s heart is through making fun of men.”

“Making fun of men is too easy, try something clever for a full laugh.”

“Speaking of men and easy… the cum rain. How did you create it?”

He was annoyingly persistent. “I didn’t,” I admitted.

He leaned in closer, and I caught a whiff of his scent, musky and warm. It reminded me of hot spiced tea on cold days.

“You had something to do with the cum,” he said. “If you didn’t make it, you know who did and why. You were standing in the spunk spray, waiting for something or someone.”

Fuck, he was smarter than his lame pick-up lines suggested.

“Standing in the rain is my hobby. The cum was unexpected.”

“You stole from dangerous people so you could stand in cum rain… that’s not something someone does for fun.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “You underestimate how much I enjoy stealing.” And how much I enjoyed fucking over Ram and his poor deluded followers.

Jag smiled a little as though he couldn’t help it. “Is that what you’re in for?”

Surprisingly not, considering I had been a master thief for years. But I told him the truth because everyone knew it anyway.

“I’m in for dildo tampering.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, sure, and I’m in for setting a Taco Bell on fire by lighting my post-meal farts.”

Somehow, he hadn’t heard about the sex toys that went mad and attacked people across the entire continent… Was he new to the world of paranormals then? Because everyone knew about the Great Dildo Calamity.

“Okay, you didn’t create the cum,” Jag said, “but you can still bust someone out, right?”

“If I could do that, why would poor Beverly still be here?” I nodded to the beaver who tilted her head to the side as Lomao scratched under her collar. The other five members of the therapy group watched Beverly and whispered in low tones. I eyed them as I spoke to Jag. “Why did Ram tell you I could break the ward?”

“The only thing he said was that you knew a way out.”

I frowned. Jag was open about what he wanted, so Ram could have easily manipulated him and strung him along, at least for a few weeks. A new recruit for Ram’s gang. So, why did he send Jag my way?

Jag interrupted my thoughts. “Do you know how to escape?”

I turned to him. “Why would I tell you? I barely know you. What are you even in here for?”

Jag met my eyes. His dark brown ones were sad and angry at the same time. “I’m not going to lie to you, Alyssa,” he whispered. “So, good-bye.” He turned and strolled from the room as though in no hurry at all.

I stared after him, wondering why he didn’t lie and who he killed by accident. That had to be it. He had done something bad enough to hide, but he felt guilty, so he wasn’t some serial killer or supervillain either.

Sighing, I turned to the room. Lomao had moved on from Beverly, and the beaver now groomed her fur in the middle of the room. No one was messing with her, so I turned to the table with its urn of coffee that tasted like it had been mixed with the ashes of a particularly bitter demon.

It was the one addiction I still had.

As I filled a mug from the canister’s spout, I gazed out the small window above the table. It was covered in bars, of course—everything fucking was—but I could at least see a section of the bright sunny sky… and a swirl of rainbow like a stone dropped in gasoline mixed with water.

A giant avocado with a human face frozen in horror burst through it and soared across the bit of sky I could see.