Page 65 of Beaver

Moe jumped as though celebrating. “Teamwork time! Start opening portals, and we’ll find everyone.” Even Elliot nodded in agreement.

The ease with which they agreed that my fight was theirs was touching—and worrying. They were following me blindly into danger, potentially into actual hell, depending on which portals we crossed. They never thought twice about it.

“There are infinite bubble dimensions,” I said. “Opening portals blindly won’t help anyone.”

Elliot took a small sip of the wake potion and pulled a face. “Why don’t we go to the library? This is a magical town, right? They should have magical books, and librarians are always helpful.”

Why the hell didn’t I think of that? Probably because I had spent so long lurking in the shadows at the edges of society that doing something so normal as going to the library was nearly alien. I squeezed his shoulder.

“Books are always the answer.”

Elliot perked up and smiled. “What’s your favorite? You know what, don’t tell me. I want to guess.” He studied me and leaned in closer as though to get a better look.

My heart fluttered. “If you get it right, I’ll give you a prize.” I winked, and Elliot’s eyes widened as he stepped away from me. Ah, fuck, I should have kept my mouth shut.

I cleared my throat and turned to Ram. “The library won’t open for hours. But we both know Juniper’s aura. Maybe if we focus on it, we can open a portal to her location or get close enough that she can do the rest like when we left ’70s porno land. If we find her, she’ll help us rescue the others. Plus, she probably knows what’s going on here.” She usually did.

Ram’s jaw twitched as though he wanted to protest—and no wonder, with his and Juniper’s history. “If I end up back in prison because of you two, I’m ratting her out.”

I sighed. “Yeah, yeah.” I had already known as much.

Jag whirled on him, fists clenched. “Don’t you ever threaten Alyssa.”

“I can handle him, Jag, better than you can.” I couldn’t best Ram in a fight, but Jag, without any magic, stood even less of a chance than I did.

Ram rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, what are you going to do? Tap me with those hands you don’t wash after you take a piss?”

Moe jumped around Ram, chanting, “No fighting, no fighting, no fighting!”

Both Jag and Ram ignored him.

Jag took a step toward Ram. “You look like you shave your pubes for hygiene but still end up with skid marks on your balls.”

Ram scoffed. “At least my balls are big enough to reach my asshole.”

“Because they’re saggy like an old man’s.”

Ram gave Jag a what-the-fuck look. “Why are you looking at elderly balls?”

“I thought they were your mom’s face.”

I tensed. Ram was very sensitive about his mother—she had faced hard times after his father cream-pied her and then fucked off for twenty years.

Ram just stared at Jag and deadpanned, “You thought testicles covered in pubes with no eyes, no nose, no mouth, located between some guy’s legs, was a face?”

Jag fell quiet for a moment. “The point is, don’t threaten any of my people or their friends!”

Aww, he was so sweet and so out of his element, like a puppy barking at a wolf.

“Don’t make threats you can never carry out,” Ram said lightly.

Okay, this had gone from funny to worrying. “Both of you, shut up,” I snapped. “And stand back. I’m going to burn the magic circle into the grass and try to find Juniper. It’ll solve at least one problem if we pull this off.”

They all stepped out of the way—Moe skipped while moving his arms like he was jumping rope.

Crouching, I placed my hands on the grass, delighting in the feel of something fresh and wild after years of concrete. I let my magic flow, snuffing out the flames as soon as they started, so I didn’t burn down the park and forest.

Ram kneeled next to me. “For that symbol there, the one that we couldn’t figure out before, try this.” He showed me his phone. He had drawn a complex image that looked like ancient Mayan writing.