Page 7 of Beaver

TaserGuardshovedthefirst person he saw, who happened to be the woman who had jumped me. She stumbled against the wall.

“This isn’t fucking fight club. You should be in your ‘rehabilitation’ classes.” He made air quotes as he said rehabilitation, and his fingers were like dicks shriveled by too many steroids.

The other guard shot him a look. She was a regular here, a short woman named Vigga, whose eyes were constantly half-closed.

I crossed my arms. “What class should a wild animal take?” I sneered.

“Don’t care. Move it along, inmates.” He tore the umbrellas from Ram. “Get moving, all you miscreants. You! Hands off that other inmate.” He pointed to Aquamarine with his taser.

She flinched and let go of Beverly. At least Dick Fingers did one good thing.

As he shoved people down the corridor, I took the opportunity to slip behind him and face Vigga. “The beaver shouldn’t be here.”

“I couldn’t believe it when they dropped her off either.” She gazed at Beverly, who strolled down the hall with the other prisoners because Dick Fingers was fucking herding everyone like they were sheep. “I’d love to set her free, but unless the court overturns her conviction, I can’t release a prisoner. I’ll be fired and probably charged.”

I almost said, so what? The moral thing mattered more than a job. “Look at her. You know this isn’t right.”

Vigga sighed. “I’ll put in a request for her lawyer to visit.”

“They can’t be a good lawyer if they let a beaver get convicted!”

“If you want to contact a better lawyer to talk to her, I’ll let them in,” Vigga said.

Great, I didn’t have a lawyer to contact. I had confessed and pleaded guilty. Even if I did find a lawyer for Beverly, it could take months to appeal her case.

Vigga poked my shoulder. “You better get going before Taser McGee over there notices you. Free time is over.”

“You can stand up to him, you know.”

Vigga’s eyes narrowed… I think. They were always half closed, so it was hard to tell. “Unless he uses that taser, he’s not doing anything wrong. Get going.”

Except he was, and she knew it. She was a coward too, I decided. Sighing, I caught up to Beverly and crouched to pet her head. She stared at me with big black eyes, almost pleading.

“Come on, let’s go to group therapy.” I’d have to take her with me because what else could I do?

I could call Juniper and ask her to break Beverly out… except for one big-ass problem. I eyed Ram as Dick Fingers shoved him down the hall. He had told Jag that I could bust people out of here, which meant he had somehow figured out that Juniper kept trying to free me. And Ram hated Juniper. She had betrayed him, robbed him, and gotten him arrested.

The moment a prisoner went missing, he’d narc on her—he might have already, and the authorities were just waiting for a sign to pounce.

I couldn’t let them catch her doing illegal shit. The whole reason I had pleaded guilty was to protect her. I mean, I was guilty, but I didn’t have to admit it to the cops. That was to save Juniper.

So, how in the hell was I going to get this poor beaver out of here?

Standing, I strolled slowly so Beverly could keep up as she followed me down the hall. At the crossroads, Dick Fingers turned left, following most of the prisoners as he shouted his insults. I turned right to the therapy rooms and was startled to find Jag leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

He winked. “Hello, lovely—”

“Don’t say beavers.”

His eyes widened in an innocent expression, and I couldn’t tell if it was feigned or not. “I was going to say, apocalypse buddies.”

“Are you ever sincere?” I said.

Beverly squeaked, and he crouched to pet her. “Why wouldn’t I be? We survived a biblical plague together! I don’t remember cum rain mentioned anywhere, but I only saw the kids’ movie, and I assume they cleaned it up for the littles.”

He would be cute if he weren’t trying to play me—and doing a poor job of it. But he had stood up for Beverly when no one else had, and that counted for something.

“Hey, get moving, beaver assholes,” shouted Dick Fingers from the far end of the corridor.