Page 33 of Beaver

The dumbassery and the sight of Ram still made heat bloom between my legs, though.

My magic stilled in my blood and my stomach dropped as I realized what was going on. “Shit, shit, shit.” It was a fucking fated mate spell, binding me to Jag, Elliot, Moe, and worst of all, my ex. My enemy. My fated hate.

The man who had tried to kill my best friend, who had betrayed me, who I had tried to kill, and who I had put in prison.

Ram met my gaze. The flaming dark magic on his hands faded back into his skin as his lips parted. “Alyssa…”

I clenched my fists to stop myself from running to him like my legs wanted. These fucking shit-eating, piss-drinking mate spells! They were all over Silver Springs. The whole fucking town glowed with them like some kind of neon shimmering illness.

And now they had come for me.

How? How in the fuck did it get me? I hadn’t drunk a magical coffee or read a magical book… unlessDick Fight Islandwas spelled? I mean… it was as full of dicks as my life now was. But the spells always hit someone whose name was connected to the spelled item, and I didn’t have a dick name. In fact, I had the opposite…

I turned my gaze to Beverly, who chirped as she walked across the carpet toward me. The gems on her collar flashed in the fluorescent lights above.

I sighed in defeat. My last name was Beaver. Beverly and her collar were the source of the spell; it just hadn’t kicked in until we were past the prison’s ward.

“You did it!” Jag yelled. He threw his arms around me, kissing the side of my head.

I couldn’t help but giggle, even though I knew this feeling was a spell. But it was a fucking well-cast spell because my heart felt like it had grown four sizes while becoming extra squishy.

What the fuck? I didn’t even get squishy inside when I had been in relationships before… just slightly less pointy.

“I knew you would save us!” Jag added against my right ear.

Elliot wrapped an arm around me from behind, and Moe hugged me on my left side. I chuckled and squeezed their arms. I knew it was a mate spell, but for a moment, I didn’t care. They liked me. It had been so long since anyone cared about me in a simple, wholesome way without years of baggage attached. It had been so long since I had been hugged or touched in any gentle way.

“You’re amazing,” Moe said. “And you smell really good. Did you do your hair between the giant bone hand grabbing you and now? You look prettier.”

Reality crashed into me like… well, hitting the ground after a giant, random skeleton hand throws you through the air. Jag, Elliot, and Moe weren’t witches, so they didn’t know this was a spell yet. They thought their feelings were natural. But Ram knew better.

He gazed at me with his dark eyes heavy and his arms wrapped around himself. Beverly stared up at him as though she was wondering what he would do now.

His shoulders rose and fell in a large sigh. “Alyssa…”

I shook my head. “Don’t.”

“I’ve always loved you,” Ram said. “I know I struggled to admit it when we were together, and I know I shoved you aside after Juniper left our gang.”

“What’s he talking about?” Jag said.

I pushed out of the men’s arms. It felt weird to cuddle them while my ex said love stuff I didn’t want to hear.

“The spell… helps me talk about it,” Ram said, hugging himself tighter. “But it doesn’t change anything else. I loved you even though you helped send me to prison, even though you avoided talking to me for the two years we were locked up together. I tried not to love you. I really… really did.” He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled bitterly.

“Focusing on your flaws just made me love you more, not less. I couldn’t even stay angry over your betrayal, even though I stay angry at everyone else in the world. I don’t know how to stop loving you any more than the sun knows how to stop burning or magic knows how to stop destroying. I don’t know why I can’t stop. We were shitty to each other, and we still are.”

I didn’t know what to do with the feelings swirling inside me. It felt like a door to a tiny, dark cell had been thrown open to reveal wide open fields. And I felt like the skies had opened up above me, so some celestial being could take a big, steaming dump right on my head.

Even though the spell made me want to cuddle Ram, he was still the biggest dick I had ever met with an average actual dick.

“You blackmailed me. That’s why we’re standing in a porno set for human-eating aliens.”

“Wait… what?” Jag said.

“Not now,” I said.

Ram’s eyes gleamed with unshed tears. “I know. Love doesn’t stop me from making bad decisions. It didn’t stop me from being cruel to you. I’m sorry.”