Page 111 of Beaver

Jag and Elliot’s clever tongues finally stopped. They stood, and the three of them helped me to the bed, where I collapsed into a puddle of trembling goo.

Moe and Elliot lay on either side of me while Jag straddled my thighs and grinned down at me. I grasped Moe and Elliot’s throbbing cocks and eyed Jag’s.

“Do you three want condoms or—”

“I trust you,” Moe said. Elliot nodded and Jag winked.

Grinning, I reached between my legs, rubbing my wetness onto my fingers before grabbing Moe and Elliot’s cocks again. With my hands now slick, I stroked their lengths in unison and worked their tips. They both moaned like they were singing a song together.

Jag fondled my breasts and pushed them together before giving me a questioning look. I gasped and nodded. Rocking his hips forward, he slid his cock between my breasts. As he titty-fucked me, I reveled in the sensation of his cock along my skin and the sight of him. The lines of abs under his stomach hair, the curve of his neck as he tilted his head back to moan, the way he bit his lip, and the way his dark eyes dilated and went hazy with need. I wanted to commit every moment of it to memory.

At the same time, I kept stroking Moe and Elliot. Their hands grasped at my wrists and arms. They kissed my neck, and Elliot bit my shoulder as he trembled and spilled his cum over my hand.

Moe moaned as loudly as a rock song as he came over my hip. I grinned, happy and oddly peaceful at being able to give the men this joy.

The sound of his friends’ orgasms seemed to drive Jag’s pleasure. He threw his head back, crying my name as he spilled his spunk on my chest. With a chuckle, he collapsed onto the bed over my and Elliot’s legs.

Moe cuddled close against my side, his hand on my stomach. “I love you,” he said against my ear.

My heart fluttered. “I love you too, Moe, and you, Elliot, and you, Jag.” There was no non-awkward way to say I love you three times in a row, I realized.

Elliot nuzzled my neck. “I love you.”

Jag stroked my thigh. “And I love you.”

Hearing it three times in a row didn’t feel awkward, though. I smiled and let my eyes drift closed. “Rest up, because I’m not done with you three. It’s going to rain cum tonight, more than it already has.”



I sat on the riverbank, stroking Beverly’s fur. She squeaked like she was telling me about her day, even though I didn’t understand a word. Below us, her mate stood in the shallows next to their lodge as he chewed on a branch.

Leaves crunched behind me, and Ram stepped into view, settling on the riverbank next to me. Beverly gazed up at me and blinked with a little squeak as though to say goodbye before scurrying down the bank to join her mate. She munched on the end of his branch and he let her, like letting your date steal fries from your plate.

“I’m glad she’s doing well,” Ram said as he handed me a black wallet. Taking it, I opened it to find a new debit card and a silver coin stamped with a giant rubber duck.

“Another one for your collection,” he said.

I smiled at the ducky coin. Ram always brought something for my growing collection. I wasn’t used to living in one place for long, but until my parole was up, I couldn’t leave the state. So, until then, I had my coins from around the world.

I could open a portal to somewhere else and the law wouldn’t know, but if I never saw a portal again, it would be too soon.

“The money is already laundered,” he added. “A ‘donation’ from a certain church in the Midwest that performs exorcisms on children.”

He had been targeting and bankrupting the places that had made his childhood—and the childhoods of other supe kids—a living hell. I closed the wallet and tucked it into my jacket pocket.

“Thank you,” I said and looked him over.

Ram was going through his goth phase and had abandoned his colorful shirts for pure black with eyeliner, which made me hotter than the time I fell asleep with a laptop on my cooch.

Make his face be the laptop on your cooch,my brain said.


“I heard the new JEM track online,” he said. “Is that you playing the piano?”

I watched Beverly and her mate abandon their branch and dive underwater. “It took hundreds of takes before I got it right.”