Page 109 of Beaver

We pulled our hands apart, and Ram stood up straight.

“You’ll come visit?” I said.

He smiled, wide and happy despite the sorrow in his eyes. “Always, Sa-Sa.”

“Fuck you, Ro-Ro,” I said, shortening the second half of his full name, Ramrod.

He laughed, then turned serious. “I’ll find a way to win Juniper’s trust and forgiveness so that I can have yours.”

My eyes pricked. “I’ll see you around then. Hopefully, not on the news,” I added as a warning.

“Same to you.” Ram dug his hands into his jacket pockets, turned on his heel, and walked into the dark.

Chapter 39

AsIdancedina circle with Jag, Elliot, and Moe, the DJ leaned over his booth and shouted, “Hey, what’s your favorite song?”

With a grin, I glanced at Jag who smirked, and then at Moe who waved even though we were right next to each other. I craned my neck to lock gazes with Elliot behind me. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped.

I turned to the DJ. “You wouldn’t know it,” I shouted. “They haven’t released an album yet.”

“But they can play live,” Jag said as he exchanged looks with Moe and Elliot.

My stomach fluttered and my skin goosebumped. Were they really going to do this?

“Come on up,” the DJ said. “I’ll get you a couple of mics.”

Jag and Moe rushed around the booth to its steps. I turned to Elliot. “You don’t have to.”

He took a deep breath, then smiled at me, warm and sweet with his eyes sparkling in the shifting rainbow candlelight. “I’m not scared anymore. Not if you’re here.”

I squeezed his hand as my heart turned to a giant stuffed bear, all squishy and essentially useless.

Elliot followed Jag and Moe up to the DJ booth. I watched from below as the DJ helped them set up mics, then faded out the rock music.

“Who’s ready for live music?” he said over the speakers, and the crowd cheered. “Introducing JEM with a J, the band you’ll never forget!”

I chuckled.

The DJ stepped aside, gesturing to my men. They nodded to each other, and then as one, they pulled down their pants.

I grinned like an idiot. The crowd gasped, cheered, and hollered at them. My men gazed down at me and smiled as though no one else was here.

As Jag and Elliot’s cocks grew into their dickstruments, the club hooted even louder. Then, the three of them began to play.

As their song filled the club, the crowd fell silent, spellbound by the catchy melody. This song was new to me. It was like a chorus of birds if all the birds started to sing in unison and in key. Moe kept a beat like a dozen wings flapping at the same time while Jag sang about the world coming to life in spring. But it was a thinly veiled metaphor for fucking.

They finished and bowed in unison. I clapped and cheered the loudest of anyone in the club.

They pulled up their pants and descended from the DJ booth. “Give it up for JEM with a J,” the DJ shouted, and the club hollered even louder.

I ran up to my guys. I threw my arms around Moe and Elliot and kissed Jag because I was out of hands. “My new favorite song!”

“Awww, you’re our favorite audience,” Moe said.

“I can’t believe I did that,” Elliot said, trembling.

I kissed him, long and hard, until he stopped shaking. “Let’s find a room in the back.”