“Oh, really? How about this? I’ll stick your head in my cell’s toilet until you choke on my piss.”
That was much better: specific, graphic, grammatically correct, and within her ability to carry out. But I didn’t tell her that. “I’ve heard that one a thousand times.”
“No you haven’t. No one has!”
She wasn’t very good at being intimidating. I crossed my arms. “Did you send the cum rain?”
Azea narrowed her eyes but answered anyway. “I was trying to open a portal to free Ram because the bastard hadn’t found the one in the book yet. Portals do random cum.”
That’s what I figured when it became obvious Juniper hadn’t sent it. “Why were you tormenting the town?”
She shrugged. “Why not? It’s where everything went wrong.”
Years ago, when Azea had tracked down Juniper in Silver Springs, Juniper had accidentally stolen her magic. Azea got it back when Juniper destroyed the magic-stealing Scourge Stone, but living without magic was difficult. Ironic that she was trapped in an anti-magic ward now.
Silver Springs was also where I reconnected with Juniper to take down Ram and our old gang that still meant so much to Azea.
“Next time, face people directly rather than attacking them from afar like a pathetic coward,” I said.
Azea rolled her eyes. “Only idiots get into fights and risk their asses when there’s an easier way.”
I took a deep breath. I wasn’t going to get drawn into her bullshit anymore. “I hope you learn to move on and find peace.” I meant it. Yay me for being kind and taking the high road.
“Go fuck yourself!”
I gestured to the bite marks on Azea’s skin. “They have some foundation in the commissary; it’s the cheap stuff but even that will do wonders for your face.” Okay, I was still a petty bitch.
Before Azea could strike back, Vigga, the guard, shouted, “Inmate Beaver, time for your hearing.”
As I turned to her, she glared at me by the door into the main prison building. The usually friendly guard was not so friendly since I had fought her to break out.
“What hearing?” I said. I had already pleaded guilty to the prison break and been sentenced to an additional two years. Fuck, being all good and truthful sucked.
“The schedule says you have a hearing,” she said.
I followed her into the building and fell into step next to her. “This has to be a mistake. I was already sentenced.”
Vigga shrugged. “I just take prisoners where they tell me.”
I sighed. Well, they’d figure out the error when I reached the courtroom.
Vigga led me through the corridors to a courtroom near the front of the prison. Hearings were often held within the prison itself so that the inmates would remain safely in the ward. There were too many escapes when they used to transport supes to a courthouse.
When I walked into the courtroom, it erupted into cheers.
I startled and gaped at the far end of the room. Spectators were always allowed at hearings, but no one ever came because of the ward. But now, the benches were packed.
I spotted most of the Eclipses, Juniper with her men, Minnie with Ri, Jace, Tanner, and all the others we had rescued from the portals.
And right in the front row sat Jag, Elliot, and Moe.
My throat closed. No, no, they can’t be here. They’re supposed to be on the run. Oh fuck, if they’re sitting in a hearing without cops jumping them, they must be out on bail and will face trial soon. Oh shit, what if they’re on trial now, and I’m here to testify?
Elliot held up a sheet of paper and pointed at it with a smile, but I couldn’t see what it said from across the room. Moe hoisted a tank with his snail in it, though it looked much less spacey inside the ward.
I was glad his pet was safe, but why was it here? Why was he here? I clenched a fist, wishing I had my magic so I could save Jag, Elliot, and Moe from prison.
Vigga grabbed my arm and led me to a chair behind a desk next to my public defender. She went to stand by the wall, watching.