Dillon was sitting behind the counter, working on a crossword puzzle.
“What is an eleven letter word that means snobbish?” Dillon asked.
“Pretentious,” Micah replied.
Dillon counted the squares and said, “Perfect. What brings you here?”
“To be honest, I’m rather bored. I finished up a ton of work this morning – answering emails and doing paperwork, and if I was at home, I’d go shift or work with the kids down at the community center. But here, there’s not much to do, except answer more emails, that I suspect are pouring in as we speak.”
“I guess that I’m glad that I’m not the alpha of my clan.”
“All of this will change once I am. My father liked to have his finger in every pie. He is a micromanager. I’m going to delegate all of this to others. I’ll have a secretary who will answer all the emails, except for the most pressing ones, I’ll have someone in charge of taking care of vendors, orders, supplies, and making sure that the bills get paid. And don’t even get me started on useless meetings.”
Dillon laughed heartily.
“I could see where that would be a bit overwhelming and frustrating.”
“I stared at the computer so much, I was afraid that my eyeballs were going to pop out.”
“I hate being on the computer. Of course, everything to do with the store is electronic now, from orders, to paying taxes and vendors, and day to day operations. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t make sense to hire someone to do it for me, and Ethan refuses.”
“Smart man.” Micah laughed. “I hear from Lucy that you are going to be a father again.”
Dillon’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. A broad smile crossed his face and his eyes glowed with happiness.
“I am. I’m excited. Zeke is a great son and he’ll be a great brother. I just hope that the baby is as great a kid as Zeke is.”
“I haven’t had a lot of interaction with him, but Lucy says he is a terrific kid. I’m sure that with both you and Clara raising the baby, it will be just as wonderful.”
“I hope so, although you know with kids, you can’t always tell. They all have a personality of their own, and it doesn’t matter how much love you give them or good parenting skills you have, they still end up doing their own thing.”
“This is true. Do you know what you are having yet?”
Dillon shook his head.
“Not yet. I’m not sure that Clara wants to know, although Zeke is absolutely certain that he is about to have a sister.”
“I would listen to the boy, then. Young’uns tend to know things.”
“You’re right about that.” Dillon laughed. “Sometimes, they tend to know too much.”
Just then, the door opened and Dillon groaned softly.
“What does he want?”
Raf walked deliberately to the counter, his cowboy boots making a loud clumping sound on the wood floor. Micah wasn’t sure whether the man was trying to make an entrance like a debutant to a ball, but he wouldn’t have been surprised if Raf spun around in a circle and curtsied.
“Dillon, Micah,” he said.
“How can I help you?” Dillon asked.
“I was just out and about and thought that I would stop in to say ‘hello.’”
“Hello,” Dillon said.
Micah nodded.
Raf looked at Micah and asked, “How long are you, Dean, and Lucy planning on staying in Ivy Springs?”