Page 13 of Wild Wolf Betrothal

“Where in the hell are you, Lucy?”

He was sure that Ginger knew, but she wasn’t talking. Lucy still hadn’t turned on her phone so he couldn’t trace her that way.

Then, an idea came to him. Lucy had GPS in her car. He might be able to track her that way.

The next morning, he called his friend, Mike, and explained the situation.

“I need to find her sooner rather than later,” Micah said. “I really don’t want her to be exiled over this situation.”

“Give me an hour or so,” Mike said.

An hour later, Mike called back with a destination – Ivy Springs, Colorado.

“How in the hell did she end up there?” Micah asked as he packed a couple of bags.

“Dad, I am going to take a vacation before I go through the ceremony making me the alpha,” Micah said over the phone.

“You can’t go now. There is still so much for you to learn. You don’t have time to take a vacation.”

“I won’t have any time after I become the alpha. Whatever I need to learn, I can do it while on the job,” Micah said. “I’ll be back in a couple of weeks.”

“Where are you going?” his father asked.

“I’m going to travel around and see some sights,” he said, and hung up the phone before his father could make any further protests or ask any more questions.

As he drove, he stared at the beauty of the countryside. He had never been outside of Montana before and realized that he had missed so much by not exploring the rest of the country.

While he drove, he tried to plan out exactly what he would say to Lucy. He knew that demanding that she return wouldn’t work. The threat of being exiled might make her more inclined to go back home, but somehow, deep down inside of him, he was pretty sure that it wouldn’t work. She was proud and stubborn, and threats just wouldn’t work.

Micah wondered whether he was simply wasting his time. More than once, he thought about turning his car around and heading back to Livingston and let Lucy do what she wanted.

There were a couple of reasons why he didn’t. One reason was that if he didn’t go through the mating ceremony with Lucy, the elders were sure to try to find someone else they deemed suitable. Another reason was that Micah might have some affection for Lucy and thought that there was a real chance for love to grow between them. On top of that, he didn’t want Lucy to be exiled. That would mean that she wouldn’t be allowed to have any kind of relationship with her friends and family who were part of their clan.

This is a quaint little town, Micah thought as he drove through Ivy Springs.I could see why she would want to stop here for a while.

He called Mike and asked where he could find Lucy. Mike gave him the address to a café on main street. Sure enough, Lucy’s car was parked on the street.

Micah parked next to her car and drew in a breath. He still had no idea what he was going to say to her.

“It’s now or never,” he muttered to himself.

The shocked look on Lucy’s face when Micah walked in the door almost made him laugh. He was sure that it matched the same shocked look on his face when he saw that she was behind the counter wearing an apron and a nametag.

Her mouth gaped, her eyes opened wide, and she dropped the coffee cup that she had been holding, not even flinching as it shattered and hot liquid splattered everywhere.

“Lucy, are you okay?” a woman asked, putting her arm around Lucy.

Lucy nodded.

“How did you find me?” she asked.

“I had Mike trace your whereabouts from your car’s GPS, Micah said. “We really need to talk.”

“Clara, this is Micah. He is the one I told you about.”

The other woman grimaced at Micah but held out her hand to shake his.

“Pleasure, I’m sure,” she said.