Then, in the back of my head sits the reality that I... liked it. I liked every little touch and whisper of a kiss. I liked the way his lips trailed over my skin and the feathery touch of his rough finger pads. That when I was saying yes to sex, he thought I was saying yes to mating. He didn’t understand. Neither did I.

But it doesn’t matter. He didn’t ask. I got mated again without being asked. Again. The book on theCentauriwas adamant: a mermaid gets to choose, but she should talk to her other mates about it. I did neither.

“I’m furious.” I stare at the lump on the mattress. He’s buried himself under the covers. I stand next to the bed, my hands on my hips. I haven’t moved. “Did you hear me? I’m furious. Why did you mate me?” I know the answer. He did it because he wanted to. Because the connection between us is strong. He wanted me.

The blankets come off, and he stands from the opposite side of the bed. It’s a big bed, not the size of the pod bed at Ophelia’s—nor the one I have in my cozy apartment back in Glyden—but bigger than anything you can buy at a store in downtown Boston.

That’s when I see his face. He’s crying. Not the ugly cry that you see on a daytime television show or the hysterical cry of someone in grief. Tears roll silently down his cheeks. He opens his mouth and then closes it again. But he doesn’t try to stop the tears. His chest heaves, and still we stare at each other.

Five minutes, ten minutes go by. I don’t know. It’s forever. I asked, and maybe, just maybe, I’m turning into Nico, because I’m not going to ask again. Eternity can come and go, and we will still be standing here. I don’t care. I want an answer. I already know nothing can be done about it. I don’t like it. I don’t like the way it happened, not at all. But it can’t be undone. I understand that.

“You want to know why?” he whispers. He shakes his head and runs his hand over his chin.

I nod.

“I could list a thousand reasons, but it comes down to one. I wanted you, more than life itself.”

That’s...Ugh. I’m not going to melt. No, if I’m living in this city as a mermaid, I will behave like one. “You’re not an animal, Eros. You have control over your own actions.”

“I know I do. And you’re right, I’m not an animal. What I feel for you isn’t healthy. I’m obsessed. I risked my life. I’m still risking my life for you. And I would do it a hundred times over. I can’t say I’m sorry when I’m not. I can’t explain how much I wanted you.”

“Well, your teeth sure as hell did.”

“Yes. I suppose you’re right.”

“Darn it, you know I am.” I inch a little closer to the bed. “Why, Eros? I told you no. I was definitive in my answer. I didn’t say I wouldn’t mate you. I said I couldn’t mate with you without talking to my mates. And now I’ve mated someone when they think I’m in Boston and Nico is in danger. It’s not who I am. I’ve changed enough of myself already. I don’t want to go changing who I am in here.” I rest my hand on the top of my head.

“I understand. I’m sorry I hurt you.” He takes a step away. Even crying before, he was still a ruthless male. The tears are gone now, but they’re replaced with an uncertainty, like the young boy he used to be. “But I want you to be safe. And that is going to take...”

“More mates than Holter. Did you mate me because Holter is ageminae?”

His smile overtakes his face. “I didn’t do it for your safety or your other mates. Sunshine, I would have mated you if you’d been mated to a headless eel, if you had chosen to have a thousand sand fleas in your bed every night. If you were Medusa herself, I’m all in. You being mated to Holter makes no difference to me.Viro,geminae, we are all the same.”

“Exactly.” I shudder. “Sand fleas, though?”

“I hate the things. I was trying to make a point. Can I hold you?” His voice is deep and soft.

“No.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Yes.” I shake my head. “I’m furious at you.” But that doesn’t mean I don’t care for him, even though I don’t know him that well yet. We round the bed and meet in the middle at the foot.

He pulls my head into his chest. “Sunshine. I’m all in with you. But it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

“I’m still angry. And I need the truth from you.”

“I know. You can be angry.”

“The truth.” I lift my head.


“Did you plan to do it?”

“No.” He shakes his head, and I believe him. He hasn’t apologized, not really. But it’s a start. And somehow, knowing that he accepts me being upset helps. Being upset wasn’t something that was allowed at the farm. Not ever. You took it and moved on. Well, I’m not taking this. I have a new mate, a mate that I wanted. Maybe. At least sexually. I’m going to have to heal through this. I can’t run again. But I sure as...heckam not going to let them change the way I think. I might have a different way of breathing and other things, but I’m not going to change who I am. And I’m going to stand up for myself.

My brain is whirling, but my body is having other thoughts. I can’t help but let out a large yawn. I’m beyond exhausted.

“Come on, Sunshine. We both need some sleep. Let me get something to clean you up with.”

I reluctantly crawl into bed, and when he returns with a cloth, I take it from him, even though I know he’s trying to do it for me. And then I curl up on the side of the bed.