The land in this country was painted in history and pain.

Bellmore was different. The ghosts seemed to linger here as if they were trapped in this town, or maybe they just didn’t want to cross over.

We talked before about certain places holding ley lines, making it easier for ghosts to manifest.

Water was also a conduit. Here, they had the natural water running off of the mountains and into the lake and streams around the town.

Maybe it was a mix of all of those.

There was so much about the supernatural world that we could never understand. Brea was just now embracing the gifts that she had, and she was one of the strongest mediums I’d ever seen.

I had my empath abilities, and that was about as far as our abilities went as a group. I wondered if there was truly anything we could do to help this place. We couldn’t just take the ghosts out of Bellmore or the castle.

There were far too many entities to contend with and we couldn’t line the whole town in the herbs and crystals the witches sent us.

This job was going to be much more complicated than we anticipated. We had barely scratched the surface.

Even before the first night of investigation, Brea talked to a ghost, I’d seen one in the lake, and we’d seen shadows in town. I’d felt the spirits lingering in the air at Bellmore Castle.

I couldn’t help but worry what we’d uncover tonight when we were actually searching for the ghosts that walked in these halls.



As Lincoln and I made our way down the hall toward the library and offices, every footstep echoed loudly around us. I’d noticed the echoes in the halls of Bellmore Castle as we made our way around putting up equipment, but it had nothing on Bellmore Castle after dark.

Maybe it was the uneasiness that had already settled in my gut, but it had my anxiety ramping up with each step we took.

“Darklings, this is your first real look at Bellmore Castle after dark. I can’t say that during the daylight hours, it’s warm and inviting. Nighttime has the shadows coming out to play.”

“That it does,” Lincoln said with a chuckle. He panned his flashlight over the hall and I followed the movement before continuing.

“Lincoln and I are focusing on the main floor. Down the hall is a library, offices, and a lounge. Ryker is in the data center while Ethan and Ben are walking the kitchens, dining room, and entryway.”

“Where do you guys think we should start?” Lincoln asked, flashing me a smile. I was wearing my normal vlogging glasses, so he didn’t have to stare awkwardly at the camera—just me.

We paused for a second before reaching the first set of rooms, waiting for our answer. Ryker’s voice piped up into the comms in our ears.

“Everyone is voting for the library.”

“Guys, I was in this library reading a book, and it was what all book nerds dream about,” I gushed, walking ahead and pushing open the door to the library.

Only now, there was no fire roaring in the fireplace, and the sconces on the walls were all turned off. The only light was from our equipment.

Lincoln panned the beam of his flashlight over the room, and I followed, moving my head slowly as he did to give them a full view of the room.

“Sure, cozy is definitely the word I would use,” Lincoln said. My laughter bounced off the highest ceilings around us, and I shook my head, walking further in.

Thank god for Ryker upgrading our streaming glasses to have night vision or I’d be stumbling my way around here. It was darker than normal despite the large windows along the east wall.

“Is anyone in here who would like to talk?” I called out.

We were met with silence. Something creaked in the distance but outside of that the room was dead.

“I’ve got a device here that you can speak into,” Lincoln said as he put the spirit box and speaker on the ground in front of us. “All you have to do is talk to us.”

The white noise filled the once quiet library, and we both strained to listen to the words that would filter through it.