Page 86 of Alive and Wells

When we’re in the warm house, he peels his clothes off to take a shower. He’s drenched from the rain, smelling like horses and sweat, and flecks of dirt speckling his face and hands. He’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever personally witnessed, and I sit on the edge of our bed, beaming at him.

“Somebody’s in a good mood.” He tosses his clothes into the laundry hamper. “I don’t think I’ve seen a grin quite that damn big before.”

“I’m happy you’re back.”

“Well then let me go take a shower and I’ll show you how happy I am to be back, okay?”

He leans in to kiss me softly and I run my hands through his grungy, dripping-wet hair. Holding his face close to mine, I take a nervous breath.

“Okay… daddy.” I bite my lip, waiting to see if he’ll catch on. I can’t wait another minute.

He smirks and raises an eyebrow at me.Damnit.I’m fairly certain he thinks I’m being kinky, not understanding what I’m trying to hint at.

“Just thought I’d see how the name suited you. Think you’d be more of apapa? Nah.Father? No, too stuffy. Yeah… you know, Aus, I think daddy’s going to suit you best.”

“Wait.” Kneeling at the edge of the bed so we’re eye level, his eyes grow wide as they search mine. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

I nod, feeling his hands already grabbing either side of my face to kiss me deeply, the cool metal of his wedding band pressing into my jaw. My lips part under the pressure of his, breathing him in. When he pulls away, my eyes flutter open just in time to catch him quickly rubbing away watery eyes.

“Aus, don’t cry.” I swipe my thumbs across his cheeks and do my best to blink back my own tears. My hormones are already getting the better of me.

“Get used to it, darlin’. I’m pretty sure this won’t be the last time I get emotional about our baby—holy fuck. Our baby. That feels surreal to say. I love you so damn much. Thank you. Thank you, my beautiful girl.” He places at least a hundred kisses across my face like he’s scattering stars in the sky.

“So you’re happy about this?” I tease. There’s never been a single doubt in my mind about how he would take this news. Over a year after having my IUD removed, we’d come to terms with the idea that kids might not be in the cards for us. Since the second I found out yesterday morning, I’ve been counting down the minutes until he got home so I could tell him. And time felt like it was standing still. I’ve been unable to leave the house or speak to anybody, knowing I’d accidentally let it slip.

He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear. “The happiest I’ve ever been. You make me the happiest man every day and nowthis. Why wouldn’t I be? I’m not exactly a godly man, but I’ve been praying every single day for the last year for this.”

His warm lips, with an uncontrollable smile, press against mine. “It’s still what you want, right?”

I kiss him back softly. “It is.”

It really, really is.He threads his fingers through mine and, when Austin Wells places a single kiss on my stomach, I’m the most alive I’ve ever been.