Page 40 of The Naga Next Door

“Give it a try,” I urged, handing Zayn his watch back. “No promises, since it’s my first time casting the spell, but if it doesn’t work, I can always try again.”

He took it from me, glancing nervously around the room. “Let’s move anything breakable out of the living room first. We spent so much time cleaning this place up.”

Good point. We pushed the larger furniture pieces against the wall to get them out of harm’s way. Then he stripped to avoid wrecking his clothes. It was a little distracting, but I did my best to remain focused.

“All right, here goes nothing.” He took a deep breath and started shifting. His lower half became flushed with scales; they shimmered as he grew and elongated into his naga form.

I almost expected the spell to fail and for him to shift right past his naga into his serpent. But he didn’t. And boy, he was the most impressive specimen I’d ever imagined.

Zayn Naga had fangs! Those weren’t there when he was in that half-shift before. There was also a smattering of silvery scales along his cheekbones, extending up to the hairline, that accentuated his chiseled features. A black forked tongue darted out past his lips as he smiled.

His delighted grin said it all. He had his naga back.

It was only temporary and would only remain if he wore the watch, but it gave him back something he’d thought long gone, even if it was just for a short while. I could feel my magic draining, but not a lot, and I didn’t mind. I wasn’t going to tell him that, though, because if I did, knowing him he’d probably shift back right away and wouldn’t get to enjoy this time with his naga form.

“You did it! Holy crap!” He continued to touch his scales lovingly. “It feels right too. Wow! It’s been so fucking long.”

As a human, he was already tall; as a naga, he positively towered over me. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. Luckily, the living room was a good size with a high ceiling, and he had plenty of room to move around.

“Thank you so much.” He picked me up, hugged me hard, then kissed me, careful not to prick me with his fangs.

He helped me move the furniture back, still in his naga form. There was a lot more room here compared to at his condo, and while he couldn’t actually sit on the couch while he was like this, he had room to move around it or lie down on it with his tail hanging off the end.

His muscles rippled as he lifted the heavy couch easily, and I couldn’t help but stare. His dark tanned skin was in sharp contrast to his silvery scales. His washboard abs continued down to a flat lower belly, and the “happy trail”—that line of hair extending from navel to crotch— started out as white-blond hair but finished as scales.

His brawny human top half was supported by an even stronger, more muscular serpent. His bottom snake half was literally all muscles. Was it wrong that I found him just as attractive in his naga form as in his human form? Maybe…oh wow…maybe even more?

He looked up and caught me staring. Oops.

“I’ve been waiting to get a hold of you while I’m like this.” He grinned, displaying his fangs, and slithered toward me, looking very much the predator he was.

The feeling of being hunted sent a thrill up my spine, and I took a step back, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I flashed back to the moment in his condo when I’d thought he was going to eat me. I knew now that he’d never hurt me, but that didn’t stop my heart from pounding.

“Well, technically, you haven’t got a hold of me yet. Catch me if you can.” I stuck out my tongue at him and darted away.

He chuckled. “Naughty little witch.”

I made it into the dining room and put the table between us, then deked into the kitchen. I eyed the stairs. Could I make it up to the bedroom? Or should I run outside? The rattle of the glass in the curio cabinet door made the decision for me. I ran out the side door.

I only made it one step off the porch before I skidded to a halt. Holy fuck! Zayn Naga was fast. He’d gone over the railing and had blocked my path. I changed direction, heading for the gazebo.

“Nowhere to run, Kitten.”

I caught my breath as we circled the gazebo. He was toying with me, an amused look on his face. Suddenly I found myself wrapped in thick silver coils, his iridescent scales shining in the sun. Firm fingers held me by the jaw. “It looks like I’ve caught myself a sweet little kitty cat.” He leaned down to kiss me, stealing my breath and turning my knees to jelly. If he hadn’t been holding me up, I’d have melted into a puddle.

He took my wrists and held them behind my back with one hand, same as he’d done that day on the couch. Except this time, he bent me over his coils. He pulled my favorite tentacle leggings down and grabbed my naked ass possessively.

“There’s something you should know about my naga.” He traced a finger along the seam of my pussy and up to the tight ring of my ass.

“What’s that?” I panted breathlessly.

Instead of answering, he moved, and a coil tightened around my legs, holding me in place as his human half came into view in front of me, one hand still trapping my wrists behind my back. His other hand lifted my chin, and I was looking exactly where his crotch would be if he were human.

The scales parted, and from a slit grew not one but two cocks, one on top of another. They weren’t shaped quite like his human one, but much to my relief, there weren’t any spikes. I was willing to deal with two…quite happy to, in fact…but I didn’t think I could deal with spikes.

There were no heads, either. Instead, each cock consisted only of a smooth shaft that swelled thicker in the middle than at the tip or base. Only the top one had a slit in the tip; the bottom one just had an indentation where the slit would have been. His internal workings must still be mostly human. I didn’t see any balls. What I did see, though, was that these cocks looked very much compatible with my body.

“Surprise, Kitten.” He placed the top one to my lips. “Open wide.”