Page 29 of The Naga Next Door

I wondered if maybe Zayn didn’t give his serpent form enough credit. He was so worried it would go on a rampage and hurt people, possibly even eat them, but maybe he was wrong. The curse seemed to have severed the bond between man and snake, making it impossible for him to return to his half and half naga form. But it also seemed to have cut off communication between the two minds.

Just in case, I formed a magic barrier a fraction of an inch thick around my entire body. If the snake tried to bite me, it would feel as if I was made of diamond, hard and impenetrable. But it would still feel like my hand if I touched him myself.

I opened the window and reached out. He slithered close and pressed his face against my hand.

Wow. I’d forgotten how huge his head was. He’d have no problem swallowing me whole if he decided to. His thickest part around was as wide as his human hips. But he didn’t attack, and that was a good sign. I rubbed his jaw and chin, and his forked tongue darted out to flick against my skin.

I scratched behind his jaw, and his tail thumped against the ground like a happy puppy getting belly rubs. The adorable action had my lips curling up at the corners so hard it almost hurt.

He rested his head in my palms, and I risked leaning in to kiss the top of his giant head. I wondered if any part of Zayn was present right now. He’d said he blanked out when the serpent took over completely.

“Can you understand me?” I asked.


Okay. “Does that mean yes?”

Another hiss.

Oh boy. We were getting nowhere.

“Are you going to eat me?”

There was no hiss this time. Zayn only shook his head in a no. Now we were talking!

He opened his mouth and gently took my hand in it, careful not to nick me with his terrifying backward-facing teeth. He tugged, as if encouraging me to slide out the window. I laughed.

“I need to use the door, silly.”

He released my hand and jerked his head several times to the side while maintaining eye contact. Was he asking me to come out and join him?

“I’m not so sure I want a take a dip in the pond.” I picked up a piece of algae still clinging to his neck and looked at it skeptically before tossing it aside. “It’s not my idea of a fun spa day.”

He repeated the motion, this time eyeing the woods.

“You want to take a walk in the woods?”

“Esss.” This time, he bobbed his head up and down.

Stay in the kitchen, or follow a massive constrictor out into the forest? The choice should have been easy, but it wasn’t. I wanted to trust Zayn’s snake even if he didn’t trust it himself.

The magic barrier would stop him from biting me or suffocating me by squeezing, but would it be effective if he tried to swallow me whole? I thought for a moment. If he tried anything, I could expand the magic, forming a sphere around myself and making me too big to swallow.

Decision made, I opened the side door and stepped outside.

Zayn did not, in fact, swallow me whole. He curved his body around me and bumped the backs of my legs with his snout. His tongue flicked out and licked my inner thigh under my skirt, right at the panty line.

“Hey! None of that, you perv,” I giggled.

There was clearly enough of human Zayn in there to see me as sexy and not delicious. Or perhaps he saw me as both. He nudged me again, his tongue flickering. It tickled, and I lifted my knee. He used the opportunity to slide his tongue in between my legs.

I squeaked as I lost my balance and ended up sitting astride the back of his neck.

“You want me to ride you? I don’t think you’re big enough to—”

I squeaked again as he lifted his head off the ground, and I slid down his back. I flung my arms around him, holding on lest I fall. He didn’t stop moving, and I realized he was indeed large enough for me to ride. I just had to change my angle, leaning forward a little rather than sitting upright.

He was difficult to hold onto with nothing but his hard, slippery scales. I had to squeeze with my knees, something he seemed to enjoy a tad bit too much.