Page 23 of The Naga Next Door

“They needed me in tip top shape to help protect their mates, so they let me stay. And we’re kinda friends. Two of the brothers are mated now.” Three, if you counted Eamon with Tansy. They weren’t together the last time I saw them, at the shop, but I’d since gotten news that they’d solved her evil spirit problem and were now a couple.

I glanced over at the empty dining room table in confusion.

“I found some candles and set the table outside in the gazebo. I thought we could eat out there, maybe catch the sunset.” He looked a bit sheepish. “I hope I didn’t use magical candles. I just found them in the kitchen.”

Damn it. Why did Zayn have to be a closet romantic too? It was going to be hard only spending one weekend with him.

“That’s a great idea. Let me go dig up the citronella candles. I’ll get bitten to death otherwise. Those tiny vampires love me.”

“I’m not surprised. You’re delicious,” he purred. The sound went straight to my core, firing me right up again.

“You, mister, are trouble.”

He only smiled.

Chapter 12


Sybil’sphonebuzzed,andwhen she saw the name on the screen she glared at it. It must be that asshole again.

She huffed and closed her eyes, as if resisting the temptation to toss her phone into the nearby field. “Why won’t this guy get the hint?”

“Dunno. It’s not like you’re even hinting anymore. You straight up told him to get lost. So did I.”

She put her phone on silent before placing it back on the table face down. I was glad. We didn’t need that asshole ruining our dinner together, especially the first one I’d cooked for her. I hadn’t ever cooked for anyone before. It felt good.

She had been telling me about growing up with parents who couldn’t understand her magic, and I’d told her about Mom and how she worried about me. It felt so natural to talk to her. I hadn’t realized how much I’d kept locked up inside. And now this guy was interrupting.

“You haven’t blocked him?”

“No. I want to have a heads up in case he tries something stupid.”

I eyed the phone. “Next time, let me pick it up and I’ll tell him to shove it where the sun don’t shine. If he gets me every time he calls, he’ll stop.”

Sybil cracked a smile. “Honestly, I’d love to let you deal with it, but I already talked to the police, and they told me to keep a log of everything he does but not respond, because that would mean I was willingly participating or something like that.”

“Willingly participating?“ I made a face. “The guy’s stalking you and threatening you. In what messed up world are you participating willingly?”

“The cops’ world, apparently. Repeatedly telling your stalker to stop, or arguing with them is apparently engaging with them. I think letting you threaten him back would be considered engaging too. The trick is to tell them to stop once, and then you go no contact.”

“Fine.” He grumbled. “I won’t threaten to remove his head from his body. What is he saying, anyway?”

She shrugged, taking a sip of her pinot gris. “I don’t care. I’m not going to let it mess up my day so I’m not going to read it, and I’d rather not talk about him. I’d rather enjoy this amazing creamy shrimp pasta. I haven’t eaten so well in forever. Thanks so much for cooking.”

“Wait till you try my curry.”

She squinted at me. “We didn’t get the stuff to make curry. Is that your way of saying you want to come back next weekend?”

“That depends,” I said, popping another cream-covered crustacean in my mouth.

“Depends on what?”

“Is that an invite?”

“You helped me clean out the entire living roomandcooked me dinner. I’d be stupid not to invite you back.”

“Then next weekend it is. And you won’t need to rent the van again. We can take my truck.”