Page 59 of The Naga Next Door

“Just wanted me to go pick up my truck.” I walked over to the bathroom.

She rolled her eyes. “What’s the big rush? We’ll go when you’re ready.”

I got dressed quickly, and we went next door to check in with Salt and Pepper, who were still snoozing, before stepping through another portal back to the Redrock residences. Sybil was greeted by Tansy holding out a giant spell book.

“I need some help with these potions. They’re confusing.”

Sybil waved to Gunnar, then eyed the book warily. “Ooh, you don’t want to start with that one, even if you have strong magic. Especially if you have strong magic. Let me grab a better book for you to start with.”

“Why don’t I drive my truck back on my own, and you can help Tansy out?” I offered.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. We don’t both need to go. I’ll meet you back at the condo in a bit.” I rubbed her arms. “We can get a late lunch.”

She grinned up at me. “Sounds good.”

She stepped back through the portal to grab a spell book, and I followed Gunnar out the door and down their private elevator.

We found Nigel picking up lunch at a soup and salad joint. His phone rang, and when he answered it, his face went pale.

“Right on time. It’s the EA calling to ask him to go in for some questioning,” Gunnar explained. “They always ask nicely once before they send someone to drag you in.”

As the twerp hung up, he noticed Gunnar and I standing outside the window. I gave him a big wave and grinned. He panicked.

Running back to his car, he did exactly what we wanted him to do. He drove. And we followed him right out of Darlington, away from any cameras and witnesses. What an idiot.

When he realized he was only driving himself deeper into trouble, he opened his window and shot at the Redrock SUV, but it was armored, and the bullet ricocheted right off. Too focused on us, he didn’t watch where he was going and swerved off the road and right into a ditch.

“Leave me alone!” he screeched as he extricated himself from the car. He brandished his weapon in the air, as if it would save him. “It wasn’t my idea.”

“Sssuch liesss,” I hissed, as I let my serpent take over.

His eyes bugged out of his head.

Next to me, Gunnar laughed. “Run, little boy, run. Before the big bad snake gets you.”

Nigel did exactly that. He ran. And I did what any snake worth its salt would do; I chased him down.

Chapter 30


“Justfivemoreminutes,”I murmured, fumbling around on my nightstand to turn off the alarm on my phone.

Why was it going off? I hadn’t set an alarm since I quit my shitty day job years ago to help with Auntie Syl’s Wards and Witchery.

But my phone was nowhere to be found, and the alarm kept blaring. Grumbling, I finally opened my eyes and found the wretched thing under the bed where it had fallen, probably during all the fun Zayn and I had last night. We’d moved his king-sized bed over to my place for just that purpose.

Zayn was not in bed, but the smell of breakfast wafted in from the kitchen, so I forgave him for sneaking off. Mmm. Bacon and eggs. I inhaled again. Were those pancakes? Or waffles? Had he dug my Hello Kitty waffle maker out of the moving box?

I peeked out the door to see Zayn piling two perfect waffles shaped like Hello Kitty’s head onto a plate. But that wasn’t even the most delicious part. Zayn was topless. He was a brave man to fry bacon without a shirt on, but I appreciated the view.

“You’re up. I thought we should start off with a good breakfast since we have such a big day ahead of us.” He came to give me a kiss, two plates in his hands, before setting them down on the table.

Today was a big day indeed. We were making the move over to the cottage from the condo. We’d spent two more weekends getting the place ready and all of this week packing up our things. I wasn’t as bad as Great Granny Syl, but I still owned a lot of stuff.

Zayn had also been busy staging his condo and getting it ready for sale, so it meant I hadn’t seen him much this week. We planned on keeping my apartment, to have a place in the city. It made perfect sense that, as mates, we moved in together. So we did.