Page 54 of The Naga Next Door

A few of them held tranquilizer guns, which they kept trained on me. The rest had regular firearms.

“Keep him alive and as unharmed as possible,” the haughty woman ordered. “I want him pristine for my collection. As for the witch, do whatever you want with her. I don’t care. Just get rid of her.” She turned and started walking away.

“The witch is fucking hot. I get first dibs,” called a man with a mullet.

I snarled. “Try it and die, asshole.”

One of the goons with a tranq gun fired his weapon at me. Sybil stepped out from behind me and waved her hand. The dart flying toward me hit an invisible wall and fell to the ground.

“What the fuck?” exclaimed the guy who’d made the shot.

One of his friends tried. This time, the dart didn’t just stop. It hit the invisible wall, made a 180, and shot right back into the man holding the gun. He stared at the dart sticking out of his thigh for a moment before slowly sagging to the ground with a grunt.

“Get the witch,” yelled Mullet Man.

They rounded on Sybil as two of them kept their weapons trained on me. A glow extended out from her body like a forcefield, surrounding both of us. It didn’t stop the men from trying to attack and shrank with each assault, although it held them back.

Slowly we inched toward the road where I was parked.

“Someone’s attacking my wards as well,” Sybil gasped. “I don’t think I can keep this up for much longer.”

I let my serpent take over. The scales extended up my body, enveloping me in hard armor. A look of terror filled a few of the hired goons’ faces when I hissed.

“Shit! Nobody told me he went full snake.” Mullet Man scrambled back behind his friends.

I aimed first for the armed men who were closest to Sybil, swiping them aside with my body and sending them flying. One hit a tree with a loud thump. Leaves and twigs rained down on us.

That had the idiots focusing their attention on me again. Good.

Several tranquilizer darts flew my way, but they just bounced off my scales.

Sybil waved her arm, and one of the mercs went flying into a tree. He stayed stuck in it as if he was pinned in place. Moments later, another one joined him. Wow. My sexy mate was kicking some serious ass.

Something pricked my tail, and I whipped around to find a dart sticking out between two scales.

Fuck! The men focused on Sybil, believing I was out for the count. But I was too big for one dart to put me out, even a dart made for shifters, which these were.

I hissed and swung my head in an arc, knocking several men off their feet with my sheer weight. I threw my coils around them and squeezed hard as I cast my gaze about for my next victims.

By now, the goons had realized the dart hadn’t been enough to take me out. They aimed their weapons at me again.Thwack, thwack, thwack.Most of the darts fell off me, but one of them stuck. I fought the effects, but it was too much, even for my giant snake.

The world went hazy, and the trees blurred. Sybil screamed, and I searched for her through the blurry fog. One of the men had her on the ground, his hands around her neck.

My mate!

I used my last bit of energy to throw myself towards them. Too late. I watched as Mullet Man grabbed hold of Sybil by the hair. She dropped her phone on the ground, and he dragged her away as the world faded into darkness.

Chapter 28



I struggled to get away from the asshole with the terrible hair as I watched Zayn’s giant serpent slowly sink to the ground. There were still two men wrapped in his coils, and several of their comrades were trying to pull them out.

I closed my eyes, feeling around mentally to see which of the wards I had up for my business had not been found and attacked, and dropped the largest of them only for a few minutes, as I gathered my energy for one big spell. I also released the magic holding the assholes to the tree, and they screamed as they fell. I relaxed and focused on my breathing.

“Bitch finally gave up struggling. About time.” Mister Mullet jerked me toward the road by the hair, and I let him. That was the direction I wanted to go anyway.