Page 43 of The Naga Next Door

Zayn let out something that sounded like a hiss, and I remembered that he wasn’t wearing his watch. It was still on the coffee table.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said. “Whatever dirt you think you have on me, you don’t. I’ve got nothing to hide.” It came out sounding pretty convincing, if I do say so myself.

I didn’t know why he was so set on having me as his baby’s mama. Didn’t he know any other witches?

“Ha! I’ve got enough to put you away and you know it.” Nigel strode toward me. “If you’re smart, you’ll come with me and do as I say right now.” He grabbed my arm, but I formed a red-hot barrier around my skin just as he did so.

He screeched, releasing me. “You bitch!” He reached behind his back and brought out a gun, pointing it at me.

Well, that escalated quickly.

“You dare threaten my mate? I will fucking swallow you whole, you little twerp.” Zayn’s voice changed as he stepped toward Nigel, becoming both more sibilant and sounding more like a growl at the same time.

His body changed too, and his snake took over. First, it was just his bottom half, and he stayed in his naga form as he slithered toward Nigel, who was now stumbling back toward his car, fumbling with the weapon he clearly didn’t know how to use. His eyes went wide, and panic filled his face.

Zayn’s tail whipped around, knocking the gun from Nigel’s hand. It flew into a pile of leaves at the side of the driveway.

“I will crusssh you.” Zayn reached out and grabbed Nigel by the shirt, then lifted him into the air as his snake continued to take over more of his body, moving up his torso.

“No. No. No. I’ll leave. I’ll leave,” Nigel blubbered, a wet spot growing across the front of his pants where he’d pissed himself.

“You dare sssay anything to threaten my mate?” The snake had almost reached Zayn’s chest now.

“N-no, oh god, oh god. I’ll never speak of it, I swear. P-p-please j-j-just let me go.”

Too late. Zayn went full serpent, dropping Nigel as his arms vanished. Nigel scrambled to his feet, but Zayn Serpent was lightning fast. It threw several coils around him, trapping him just feet from Nigel’s car. Zayn squeezed. And squeezed.

Holy shit. Zayn really was about to crush him.

I threw myself at Zayn, wrapping my arms around his neck and using my magic to command him to stop.

Still trapped in Zayn’s coils, Nigel’s face was turning purple and his eyes were bugging out of their sockets.

“Please, Zayn. Let him go. Just this time. If he comes back again, you can have him then. Please. I don’t want the EA to come and ruin our weekend.”Or to spend the next week answering questions about a disappearance. “Come on. Let him go. Please? I’ll make it worth your while.”

Zayn did not return to his human form but he did loosen his coils, just enough for the asshole to scramble out of them.

I returned my attention to Nigel while keeping my arms firmly around Zayn’s thick snake body.

“Whatever you might think you know about me, Nigel, you’re wrong. The only reason the EA will come here is because you went missing inside a snake’s belly. Iworkwith the EA. Do you really think they’d have me on speed dial if I had anything to hide?”

“I saw the watch. You’re holding a shifter prisoner. I might not be good at casting spells, but I recognize a slave bracelet when I see one. That’s illegal.” Nigel peered out from behind a tree.

Oh. This was about the watch, not my rats. I didn’t need to worry at all.

“Well. I mean, I can release him right now,” I said. “And then he can have you for lunch. Would that work for you?”

“No!” His eyes went wide. “I promise, I won’t say anything. Just tell him to stay away from me. That snake is fucking crazy.”

Zayn hissed and feigned striking at him, and the coward let out a terrified scream.

“Never mind a slave bracelet. That thing needs to be locked up or put down.”

“Hey, you threatenedme,” I reminded him. “He was protecting me. I have it all recorded.” I pointed to the birdhouse. He didn’t need to know there was no security camera in there.

“Fuck this. Your crotch goblin ain’t worth it, not even for the family wealth and business.”

“I’m glad we’ve finally arrived at the same conclusion. Now, you have five seconds before I let this snake at you. Five. Four—”