He growled against her mouth. “Hurry and wash so I can make you even dirtier.”

A shudder rippled through her, but she grabbed for the bodywash and wasted no time scrubbing her body. He did the same and in record time they were out of the shower, wrapped in towels and falling into bed. A few feet away, on top of the dresser, was that pair of her panties he’d slyly slipped into his pocket after their first encounter in the garden.

Rolling on a condom took a blink. Spreading Belle’s thighs and taking her in a bed for the very first time was an unstoppable force.

She threw her legs around him and rode his cock with each hard plunge. Her tight walls clenched and released around his length. Her tongue tangling with his drew new emotion to the surface.

He cupped her face and looked into her eyes. “I can’t walk away from you, Belle. Don’t ask me to try.”

Her hair tumbled over her eye when she shook her head. “I want more of you, Declan. We have so much to…explore!” Her cry broke off when he thumbed her nipple and ground his cock deep.

His orgasm hung just within reach. One more shove. Two.

“I’m coming!” She threw her head back on a scream of bliss as her release struck.

He thrust his cock to the hilt and let go. For her. With every pulse of his cock, he realized just how close he felt to this woman, how close they’d become in mere days.

By the time they made it to the brunch, everyone was already seated. He walked into the barn with Belle on his arm, and to his shock, applause broke out down the table. All of his teammates watched him lead Belle to the long table.

He raised his voice to carry over the noise. “Thanks, everyone.” He pulled out a chair for Belle, and she sank into it. When she looked up at him and joined in the applause with the others, his heart gave a hard kick within his chest like one of those prized horses on the ranch.

“Someone get this guy a drink!”

He took a seat next to Belle, and someone shoved a drink in his hand. The scent of orange juice and gin hit his nose.

He swung his head to the head of the table to meet Ross’s gaze. “I thought we didn’t drink on the job.”

“You’re drinking—we aren’t. We thought you deserved a little celebratory sip or two today for what you did.”

“Good job, rookie!” Boone called out.

This time being called a rookie didn’t carry as much burden as before. Not now that he saw all the grins and admiration in the eyes of his teammates.

Feeling the warmth of camaraderie glide over him, he raised his glass. “I couldn’t have gotten Belle back without all of your backup. To WEST.” He brought the drink to his lips and sipped.

Belle did the same, her eyes sparkling at him over the rim of her glass.

Ross cleared his throat to gain attention again. “We owe one other person a huge pat on the back.” He zeroed in on Belle. “Without your amazing skill, we would have lost so much to that hack. The Wynton family has known your family for decades. Our fathers struck many deals together that put both our families on the Montana map. Now that we know that you’re a genius with an operating system, I’d like to offer you a position on the WEST Protection team in our cybersecurity division.”

Declan set his drink down before he sloshed it all over himself. Belle wasn’t so lucky—she tipped hers over and the fruit juice and alcohol soaked the tablecloth.

Silence fell over the room as everyone listened hard to what was being said. To Declan, he felt like he was witnessing history in the making. A merger between old families that would go down in the company’s books as an important event.

Belle started to speak but sputtered and stopped. She tried again. “I’m honored to be given the offer.” She spread her hands in the air and stared down at them. “Maybe some of you know that my family has enough money that they don’t wish for me to work at all. I’ve only dabbled in technology, though it’s always been a career I’ve been drawn to. But…” she looked at Declan and then around the table. “Trouble has a way of finding me. Are you sure you want me on your team?”

Corrine got up from her seat and circled the table to stand next to Belle. “We know our minds on this matter, Belle. We need someone with a diabolical mind like yours. Do you have any idea of the magnitude of what you did for our company?”

Belle dipped her head at the praise, a flush creeping up her cheeks that had Declan’s cock pushing harder against his fly.

“And in show of our thanks, we have something for you.” With a flourish, Corrine drew an object from behind her back. She held the white Stetson in front of Belle’s face.

Her jaw dropped.

So did Declan’s. “Hey, why does she get a hat before me?”

Belle accepted the hat and slowly settled it on her head. She sliced a grin his direction. “Because it fits my head!”

Laughter boomed around the room.