She was trapped with no way out in sight.

“Hack…the…system.” His voice burned low with menace.

With no more options, she settled her fingertips on the keys and began to work her way—slowly, painstakingly—into the security office’s mainframe. When her patch kept her out, she threw her captors a glance and created a new patch to act as a bridge around the roadblock.

Ethan gave her a big smile and nodded. Haileigh scowled in the corner.

An idea struck. Surely, someone was watching the system right this very minute. Mainframes like this had constant monitoring both by programs and by humans. If they saw her in there poking around, alarms would be raised.

They could trace her right here to this RV.

And she could help them along…

Mind made up, she quicky returned to the patch she’d just laid down in the system and recoded it.

This time she sent an encrypted message to the WEST Protection team.

When they read that, they’d know that she wasn’t in on this scheme of Ethan’s.

And last, she turned on the webcam for a silent recording that wouldreallyback up her story when they asked her. And they would. She gave them five minutes before every cowboy on the team blasted in here and put a stop to this crime.

Pausing with her fingers on the keys, her mind spun. If Ethan and Haileigh made a clean getaway, and she was left to deal with the WEST team’s inquisition, she was going to be irate.

“Keep typing! I’m going to break your ankles, girl!” Ethan’s bellow shook her to the core.

Smashing her fingertips down on the keys, she continued to work every avenue possible to get out of this before she was forced to do something she really regretted.

“Do it!” He slammed a palm on the marble table near her hand.

She stared straight ahead into the camera. “Or what? Hmm? If I remember correctly, you were never a threat.”

Please be watching. Please find me!

Declan’s handsome face wavered in her mind. God, he was more gorgeous than any man she’d ever met—both inside and out. He was a gentleman but treated her as dirty as a woman wanted to be treated between the sheets.

Ethan slammed a hand off the table. “Do it now! You put that patch on and now it’s time to take it off!”

“I don’t want to do this. You’re the reason why I made the patch to begin with. To stop you.” She fixed a glare on her ex, then Haileigh. “I’m just covering my butt this time, unlike last time when you made me an accomplice!”

Ethan blinked at her. “Are you talking about the bank robbery?”

Battling her need to squeal in glee that she’d caught his admission on webcam, she gave him a solemn nod. “You told me your car was in the shop. You needed me to pick you up.”

He rolled his eyes. “So it wasn’t in the shop, but Ididneed you to pick me up. Can you imagine juggling all that money and a key fob? That would be a nightmare.”

“But you know my history for mishaps! You could have called anyone else, Ethan.”

“How was I supposed to know you’d get in a car accident while trying to drive away?”

She gaped at him. “Because it’s me.”

He pushed off the table and folded his arms. “Come on, Belle. You sped from that accident without the police chasing. And you never even got a fine for running that red light.”

She glared harder, wishing him dead. Or at the very least, writhing on the floor from the pain she wished she could inflict right now.

With a few more taps on the keyboard, she sat back. “There. Now will you let me go?”

Her gaze slid from her ex to his fiancé. A cold stab of fear to the heart already told her the answer before they spoke.