The water pressure in an RV was never very good. She hoped that Ethan and his twit fiancée were standing under a trickle of lukewarm water.

When she walked outside to find Declan, that thought kept the smile on her face. He was talking to another guy in front of the garage door a short walk away, dressed in canvas bib overalls and a thick coat that he wore unzipped at the moment.

His rugged good looks had several heads whipping around as people roamed over the ranch, on the move to their own activities day. One woman was dressed in the equivalent of what she saw ski bunnies wear—tight pants and a fitted top that left nothing to the imagination. She slowed her stroll as she walked past Declan.

“Hi there,” she said in a smoky voice that Belle made out despite the distance separating them.

He glanced up at her. Belle paused to see what he’d do. Most normal guys would throw out a line or flirt, but he did neither. He just gave her a small chin lift of acknowledgement before returning to his conversation with the equally rugged, bearded man.

Seeing she wasn’t getting any traction with Declan, the ski bunny walked on toward the main barn. Belle unstuck her warm snow boots from the icy ground and set off toward her fake boyfriend.

He looked up at her. The corners of his lips twisted upward when he spotted her.

Feeling a little full of herself from the attention he showered over her, she tossed a glance at the ski bunny’s retreating back. Declan didn’t have eyes for that woman—but when he saw Belle, he looked like someone had lit a fire and it flickered and glowed from inside him.

He said something to his companion in a low voice that she couldn’t make out and started toward her. Long strides made those canvas coveralls pull against his thick thigh muscles. Her belly tingled with awareness of what she knew to be a very impressive physique under those layers.

Quickly, she hurried across the snowy ground to meet him. They stopped in front of each other, and he gave her a slow perusal.

“Stop looking at me that way.”

“What way?” His dark brow hiked under the knit brim of his ski hat.

She took a step closer, drawn to put herself as close as possible to the man. “Like you want to strip me down and find a hay bale.”

His lips quirked. “I’m looking at you that way because I do.”

A laugh bubbled from her, carrying a note of tension that couldn’t be stifled when she was suffering with a high level of want—a product of the look in his eyes and the remnants of her dream.

“You can’t possibly think I look hot in these thick pants and a parka.”

Despite his lack of a smile, his eyes gleamed. “You’re wrong. I’m into mountain women.”

She smacked him playfully in the arm. “You sweet talker!”

He chuckled. “Ready to grab a bite to eat?”

“Yes, but I’ll be far too hot to sit indoors and eat.”

Something flickered in his eyes. “I’ve got the perfect spot.”

He turned and waved for her to head to the barn for a continental breakfast. After only a few steps, he reached her side. Simultaneously, she reached out too. They clasped hands, meshing their bare fingers neither of them had yet blocked from the cold.

Twisting her head, she shot him a look. He returned it with a smile and continued to walk her to the building. When they entered, the low sound of conversation reached her. So did the scent of fresh-cut fruit. A glance at the buffet showed tall Christmas tree topiaries studded with melon balls and berries.

Declan issued a grunt. Following his stare, she saw why. Her ex stood in the middle of the room with an arm wrapped around Haileigh’s waist. They were both sipping mimosas and talking up an older man who looked to be dressed in a smoking jacket straight out of the pages of an expensive men’s catalogue.

Tilting his head, Declan brought his lips to her ear. “What activity do you suppose that guy’s doing today?”

She picked up on his game. “He’s going to sit by the fire all day, sipping brandy and pretending that he isn’t a day drinker.”

Declan nodded. “Definitely. And the woman standing right behind him? The one wearing turquoise Spandex?”

“Oh, she’s definitely doing the authentic camp setup in the wilderness. She chose that color to keep from being mistaken for food by hungry wolves.”

His warm laugh washed across her temple. “And the lady in the minidress?”

She looked around the room to locate the person he referred to, like they were playing some twisted game of Where’s Waldo. When she spotted the woman in a short dress that was also low-cut, she whispered, “Definitely sledding.”