“Nice morning for it. I’m surprised you’re not staying in the bunkhouse with her.”

Delan dropped his stare to his snowy boots. “She’s a little old-fashioned. Wants to save living together for after the wedding.”

His face brightened. “So you’re engaged?”

“Well, not yet,” he hedged. “Soon.” He tipped his chin toward the bunkhouse that housed a woman he wasn’t close to popping the question to.

But just the thought ofsomedaygetting to that point with a woman like Belle? He could suddenly picture it.

Fucking hell.

He could pictureher.

“Good for you two. It’s nice to see young people finding happiness.” He moved off toward the barn, probably to select a mount for a morning ride.

Declan hesitated only a heartbeat, mulling over the small talk that had morphed into a “someday” dream. A someday dream with possibilities.

He pushed out a breath, grabbed the door handle and twisted. The prospect of searching bunks for Belle didn’t worry him as much as how she’d react to him waking her. But it was a chance he was willing to take just to ensure she was actually sleeping, safe and sound.

The big room was set up with a small kitchen area, a long table with chairs scooted in around the perimeter and a couple sagging leather sofas that had seen better days. One wall revealed several doors that led to the bunks where the cowboys who worked on the ranch slept. For this event, they’d all been moved to other points on the ranch or around town.

His gut instinct told him to choose the door on the right. As soon as he stepped in, he saw her. Asleep on her side, facing him. Her beautiful face was relaxed in sleep and her long hair tumbled over her breast. One arm hung out of the covers.

God help him, she was wearing red buffalo plaid PJs. His heart melted a little bit more. Watching her sleep seemed like the most intimate of gifts. One he would treasure as much as their first night together in the garden.

She shared the quarters with five other bunks. Somebody snored on the bunk above her, and the other guests seemed equally unconscious. Slowly, he approached the bed, careful to remain quiet.

When he reached her side, he stood staring down at her lovely features. Goddamn, she tugged at his heartstrings. Something he never thought would happen. He sure as hell didn’t expect to find a woman like her on the ranch during the Christmas charity weekend. Nor did he think he’d be protecting a woman that he was developing feelings for.

As he reached out to touch the back of her hand, he breathed shallowly. Stroking a fingertip across her silky skin made his heart flex. And the feel of her cool skin made him want to crawl into that bunk with her and warm her with his own body.

She issued a low sigh in her sleep. Her full upper lip resting on the plump bottom one was damn near too much to resist, but Declan held himself in check. Kissing his sleeping Christmas princess dressed in buffalo plaid PJs might seem like a good idea, but he wouldn’t put it past her to take a swing at him right before screaming bloody murder.

Dipping to one knee beside the bed, he closed his fingers around hers. “Belle. Wake up, honey.”

Her eyes flew open. She sat up fast—good thing she was on the shorter side because her head cleared the bunk on top of hers. The heavy quilt fell off her chest to reveal more of that plaid sleep shirt.

She peered at him, hair straggling into the other eye. “Declan…” She closed her eyes and flopped back down on the mattress. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What do you want?”

He opened his mouth and then closed it again. Now he couldn’t recall why he walked into the bunkhouse looking for her. Seeing her in such a vulnerable state had punched a hole in his chest.

He took her fingers again and brushed his thumb over her knuckles. “I just wanted to ask what your plans are for today.”

She blinked at him as if trying to keep them from slamming shut again. “My plans?”


“Oh! My plans!” She sat up and stared at the window on the far wall. The blinds were drawn, but the gray light of a winter morning shone through.

He watched her come more fully awake. After scrubbing both hands over her face, she dropped them and looked to him. “What are you doing today?”

“Whatever you are. That is, if you want my company.” He pitched his voice low.

“Uh. It’s too early. I’m not sure what I want to do yet. What are our options again?”