“Helicopter!” Corrine finished. She snatched the wireless radio off the desk and snapped out an order for her husband to get a team in the air ASAP.

In a few strides, Declan reached the door. He gripped the knob hard enough to make his knuckles pop, but he paused before launching himself outside. He couldn’t stand around waiting for another minute. But walking out meant he wouldn’t hear any more progress.

Bowing his head, he let the struggle roll through him, something he never did. Even when he was saving that fucking op that gave him so much notoriety with the WEST team, he wasn’t worried. He knew he could fix the situation in the time they had.

Now he had no solid ground to stand on. Heneededa world with Belle in it. She was amazing and smart, funny and strong.


He turned and met Madeline’s eyes. Understanding flashed in the depths.

He’d found a friend in her when he wasn’t even searching for one.

“Let’s step outside a minute,” she said.

His heart surged. “Did you find something?”

Her expression softened. “No. Let’s talk.”

Reaching past him, she opened the door. He had no choice but to follow her out into the cold night. He had no concept of the time. All he knew was that the gala had ended hours ago. Which meant Belle had been gone for hours.

Madeline faced him on the small landing at the top of a short run of stairs. Neither of them wore a jacket, and she folded her arms against the cold. “Tell me about her.”

“Belle?” His voice sounded like he’d dragged his vocal cords through limestone and then doused them in acid. “She’s tough.”

She nodded. “That’s good. Real good. It means she’s a survivor.”

His throat thickened. “But everything bad happens to her. Mishaps, mainly.”

“Which is probably how she toughened up so much.”

They stared at each other. The outside light illuminated the few snowflakes floating on the air.

“And you care about her.”

“Yes.” The admission felt better than he’d ever expected under the circumstances.

She bobbed her head again, and her white-blonde hair swung forward to skim her jaw. “Look, I’ll be honest with you. I’m invested in your woman because, well, I had a terrible situation with a wretched ex too at one time. I want you to know that I’m rooting for her, for you. For both of you.”

He raked his fingers through his hair. “I appreciate it.”

“If anyone can do what you did last week for our nation, rescuing Belle should be a breeze.”

The door behind them opened, and Corrine poked her head out. “Michael’s got the chopper ready, and he’s in the air. ETA six minutes.”

Six minutes to begin the rescue.

But once he found Belle, he was determined to have sixty years with her.

The chopper blades ripped through the air. Declan ducked inside first and three more men piled in after him.

Boone tossed him a comms device and Noah rested a sniper rifle across his thighs. Josiah took the seat near the door and McCoy jumped into the cockpit next to Michael Modeen.

The atmosphere was tense as hell. Not that Declan was in any mood to talk, but the WEST team typically exchanged some witty comments or banter.

Their silence was unnerving. But he couldn’t read into it. They’d get her. He would save her.

Belle would be safe in his arms within the hour.