Declan stepped up to the desk. “Let me take it from here.”

Without removing her stare from the screen, she shook her head. “I got this. You’re not in any state of mind to take over.”

He bit back a low growl. “Someone give me a goddamn computer! Now!”

Corrine spun her desk chair to fix him in her gaze. “We’re trained, Declan. Give us time.”

“There is no time left!” His bellow echoed off the walls, and every single person in the room turned their heads to stare at him. All except Madeline, who never shifted her focus.

A triumphant noise burst from her, and he whirled toward her and leaned over the desk, staring at the screen. “What do you see?”

She rapidly tapped the keys and enlarged the image. The view showed a tall figure with something draped over his shoulder.

A woman’s body.

“Got her!” Madeline’s exclamation brought everyone running, but Declan crowded them all out so he could watch the short clip of a man carrying an unconscious woman out of the barn.

“How did we miss that?” He gnashed his molars together. “Goddammit, he knocked her out! Where did he go after that?”

The white-hot rage pounding his system wasn’t even human. It belonged to a wild animal. Curling his fingers into fists, he resisted the urge to start punching holes in the drywall. One every three seconds until the team found Belle.

“This view shows him carrying her around the barn.” Corrine’s voice made him whirl.

He darted to her desk. Planting his hands on the surface, he glared at the screen. “Goddammit!” The limp lines of Belle’s body made fear claw at his insides. Was she dead? He couldn’t tell.

“Control that anger, Declan. Gimme a second.” She violently attacked the keyboard and brought up several more camera angles that revealed Belle being carried to a waiting truck. When one showed her body being tossed into the back, Declan clapped both hands to his head.

A hand came down on his shoulder. “It’s not how it looks,” Boone told him.

“We don’t know that,” he gritted out.

“Don’t think the worst.”

He leveled a glare at his boss. “Thinking the worst is what saved that goddamn op last week, and you know it.”

Boone stared at him for a heartbeat. “You’re right. Corrine, find that truck.”

“Already done! They drove across the ranch to where the guests’ RVs are parked.”

Declan grabbed the keyboard and yanked it toward himself. Corrine pushed away from the desk to give him room to work. In seconds, he had a grim image of Belle being transferred from the truck bed to the RV.

“Madeline, pull the record on that RV!” he barked the order.

“Getting it now, Declan.”

He shoved away from the desk and began pacing once more.

“Damn, you’re scary when you’re locked in like this, Declan. You weren’t even this keyed up when you were saving the President of the United States.”

He compressed his lips to hold back his explosion of anger. How could he tell the team that he’d been part of for little more than a couple weeks that he saved the President out of duty? This time his heart was involved.

In minutes, they had more footage of the vehicle leaving the ranch. One of the guys notified the state police to be on the lookout for the RV heading south.

A woman working diligently on the cybersecurity system looked up. “They escaped with the hacked information. Thousands of accounts compromised throughout several companies that are contracted with us.”

“And they took her with them because she could send them to prison.” His jaw joints ached from clamping it so hard. “The RV has a GPS. Someone tap into it and find it!”

Madeline’s voice came with an edge. “Damn! I got a pin on the RV, but it’s too far to reach by car. We’re going to need a—”