Long heartbeats swelled on and on as he plundered her, drinking deep, unable to stop.

Blinded by need, he tore from the kiss. Her dazed expression matched the pink in her cheeks put there by the scrape of his beard. Goddamn, seeing his marks on her ripped another primitive growl from his throat.

“I can’t feel a thing in these thick pants I’m wearing, but damn if I’m not rock hard for you.”

She giggled and rocked her hips against him. “You can’t feel that?”

He locked his hands on her hips, holding her immobile. “Hardly anything.”

“Me neither.” She laughed.

“Knowing that my cock is nestled up against your sweet ass is driving me crazy.”

She rolled her hips again. “No man’s ever turned me on with words before.”

“I can be a lot of firsts for you. If you’ll let me.”

Belle stilled. Realizing what he’d said, he opened his mouth to explain better, to tell her that he didn’t mean it how it sounded. But just then a horn honked from somewhere out front.

The conversation would have to wait.

“That’ll be our ride to the sledding hill. If we’re leaving with the group, we need to go.” He tipped her off his lap. Straightening with an erection took a moment, but Belle’s knowing grin was totally worth the struggle.

As quickly as he could walk with a baseball bat snaking down his thigh, they made it to the big tractor. The green John Deere was decked out with red ribbons tied to the steering wheel, and the driver wore Santa’s hat. Hitched to the back of the tractor was a wooden trailer already filled with people to be hauled up the lower slope of the mountain.

Declan gave Belle a hand up into the back, and she took a seat on one of the wooden benches that lined both sides.

“I bet this is the truck they use for hayrides in the fall,” a woman said from a few feet away.

Declan launched into the truck behind Belle. As he settled beside her, he noticed Ethan and Haileigh near the front. He ducked his head to hide a grin, but Belle spotted it.

“What’s funny?”

He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “The people in the front get to suck in all the tractor exhaust.”

She glanced from the corner of her eye to see who was seated up there and issued a laugh. The carefree sound would wipe out all of Declan’s speculations about what frightened her the previous night. But as the tractor trundled slowly up the hill, he noticed the covert looks she kept tossing at the couple.

He placed his hand over her fingers where they were twisting in her lap and felt her relax the slightest bit.

The ride up the hill was slow as the tires broke through thick snow that drifted down from the mountain. It gave him ample time to glare at the back of Ethan’s head, wishing he could pull information out of it.

One thing he was sure of—the guy disliked him just because Belle was “with him.” Declan knew the type. He’d lay down his extensive financial portfolio on the fact that Ethan saw women as possessions. Even long after they weren’t together, he believed no other man should ever touch what belonged to him.

From the very beginning, he’d gotten a bad vibe from Ethan. Declan’s instincts were rarely wrong. Second guessing himself wasn’t a thing, especially when the entire last op had been successful because he had gone with his gut.

Haileigh glanced over her shoulder. She stared directly at Belle before twisting to whisper in Ethan’s ear. Whatever was between the bitch of a woman and Belle wasn’t normal rivalry. It was a vendetta.

Declan slipped his arm behind Belle’s back and tucked her against him.

She gave him a questioning look but didn’t comment.

Once they reached the top of the incline, he jumped out first to assist people to the ground. When he planted his hands on Belle’s waist, he let her slide down his front…nice and slow.

The rosy blush in her high cheekbones and the lights in her eyes were full of promises.

Promises that once he got her alone, she’d make itwellworth his time.

Next a bunch of guys assisted in unloading the sleds. Belle grabbed one, and he carried his under his arm a short distance away from the rest of the pack.