“That makes sense how she knows the office exists. But that doesn’t explain why all of a sudden she’d have need of protection.”
“I’ll look into the ex and this fiancée of his. And let the others know of your concerns.” He paused. “You stick by Belle. I’ll get someone else to stand in for you all day and tonight at the gala.”
Declan didn’t experience emotions of any kind on the job. He was a machine—he threw himself into the thick of a situation, did his duty and got out. It helped him cut through the bullshit and see issues for what they were.
But knowing that he was actually assigned to Belle’s safety sent one emotion—relief—coursing through his system.
Now he wouldn’t be split between his job and protecting her. Even though his desire to claim her every time he got close to her lingered, now his reason for being close to her had shifted from wanting intoneeding.
“Where’s she staying?” Boone asked.
“Okay. I’ll post more sets of eyes on the building. I’m assuming that the ex isn’t staying there with her?”
“He brought an RV.”
“Right. I’ll shift everything around accordingly. Keep your comms close so you can alert us if anything happens.”
Declan nodded. “Thanks for taking this so seriously, Boone.”
“Safety comes first. Especially on this ranch. If we can’t protect people in our own back yard, we don’t deserve to be in business.”
“I’ll keep you updated on our moves. I’ll hang around the bunkhouse and wait for her to come out.”
“Today everyone will be spread out on different activities. Do you know what Belle wants to do?” Boone asked.
“I’ll keep you posted.”
Some of the events included a bonfire, a trail camp setup on the mountain and sledding. If Belle didn’t want to do any of those things, she could hang out in the barn around the fireplace and sip apple cider.
Or his activity of choice—keeping her in bed all day, tucked safely beneath him.
He and Boone exchanged a nod before Declan set off for the bunkhouse. Reporting to one of his bosses about his concerns took a small burden from his shoulders, but he still felt his knuckles aching from clamping his hands into fists.
It was still early enough that the sun hadn’t totally cleared the ridge of the mountain. He had barely slept the previous night after dropping Belle at the bunkhouse door. At one point in the wee hours of the morning, he got up and dressed, thinking to check on her.
In the end, he refrained, leaving her protection in the hands of the guards posted around the property. But it had taken a hell of a lot of control to keep himself from going to her.
If he were honest, this need to keep her safe, and happy too, went beyond anything he’d felt for a client or ward. In a short time—just days—she had shown him so much of herself. When she revealed that edge of panic that first night, his urge to jump in and save her from whatever placed that horrified look on her face had been too strong to back away from.
Loving her out in the open of the garden was a memory he’d carry with him for the rest of his days. He knew she harbored a fear of riding horses from a past trauma but she was sweet enough to treat them with apples stashed in her pocket like a true country girl.
He was pretty damn sure that most of the women here would never deign to carry a piece of sliced fruit around in their pockets to give to an animal they didn’t enjoy riding.
He knew she preferred whiskey to champagne, that her last name was Robb and her family knew the Wyntons.
And to think that he hadn’t shared even a small amount of his own life with her.
He didn’t have much choice in the matter, being under contract to keep the guests safe. After his talk with Boone, Declan was a little freer and intended to spend more time at Belle’s side. Maybe he’d get the opportunity to share something personal with her.
After he drove the short distance to the main ranch and parked at the corner of a long line of vehicles in front of the garage, he jumped out of his truck. With his hands deep in his coat pockets, he strolled toward the bunkhouse.
An older gentleman dressed in riding clothes emerged from the front door and shut it behind him. He caught sight of Declan and gave him a nod of greeting.
“Are you looking for that brunette you’ve been with?” he asked.
Declan nodded. “I thought I might surprise her with an early walk.”