Declan’s hips jerked against hers. His cock sank deeper, and with a primal grunt, his orgasm hit. The guttural sound washed through her mind, and her pussy clamped down harder on her lover.
He pumped his cock inside her, not slowing even a little, taking her fast and deep just the way she needed it.
Very slowly, her mind came to a swirling stop, and her breaths rasped in the quiet of the barn.
Grinding his cock deep in her flexing walls, he clutched her hips and snarled. “Fuck, I haven’t even left your body and I want you again.”
Her stomach tingled with need.
“But I can’t take more chances of getting caught.” He slowly eased from her body. She clung to reality for a long heartbeat before pushing off the hay bale and drawing her clothes back into place.
When she finished, he looped an arm around her middle and turned her into his arms. She took one look at his handsome face and knew this wanting wasn’t over. They just needed a new venue.
He swooped in and kissed her long and thoroughly. The masculine flavor of him combined with the aftershocks rippling through her system had her on edge all over again.
She wrapped her arms around him and looked him in the eyes. “Your place or mine?”
He issued a low laugh like the faint rumbling noise a mountain might make if someone were strong enough to move it. “I love that you’re just as anxious as I am, baby. Let’s—”
He turned his head toward the door. “Someone’s coming. Quick, out the back.”
Pitching herself out of his arms, she stumbled to the back door. Once they had the door shut behind them, he took her hand and led her away from the barn at a normal pace.
“Who was coming?” she asked.
“Dunno. Probably a ranch hand, but I wasn’t gonna stick around to find out. I have to protect your reputation.”
Surprise flitted through her. Ethan never would have done that. Hell, none of her boyfriends would have.
Declan was even more of a gentleman than she’d guessed.
He led her away from the barn and around the side of the garage. Ranch trucks were parked in front.
At first she thought he might stow away in one of the trucks with her. Instead, he pressed her up against the wall of the garage and captured her mouth in a tongue-tangling mimicry of more hot sex.
She dug her fingers into his shoulders and reveled in the hard feel of his muscled body against hers. Their need spun out of control.
Their mouths fused in a passionate kiss that grew slower and slower but no less deep. When he twisted his tongue against hers, they shared another moan.
Finally, he tore his mouth free and rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t want to leave you, but the gala is coming up soon. You’ll need time to get dressed.”
She nuzzled him, brushing her nose over his. “Are you my date tonight?”
“Of course I am. We made a deal, didn’t we?”
She skimmed her fingertips over his rough jaw stubbled with bristly black hair. “I already want you.”
“I want youso goddamn much, baby. Want me to walk you to the bunkhouse?”
Her voice was as unsteady as her tripping heart. “I think I can take it from here.”
With concentrated effort, she pulled away from her lover. She even managed to put a body’s width of space between them. When she turned and headed toward the bunkhouse, he let out a low whistle.
She threw him a coy look over her shoulder before proceeding as fast as her shaky legs would carry her.
Thankfully, no one was in the bunkhouse to witness the big, silly smile spreading across her face. As soon as she dropped down to sit on her bunk, she pulled out her phone and shot off a text to Sarah.
Belle:There was hay.