He went on. “You’re single. I’m single. Let’s be single together.”
She sat back in her seat. There was merit to his suggestion. It would be great to have somebody to meet for mealtimes and even spend time outdoors on the ranch with. The charity ball and big auction to benefit the kids would beso muchbetter if she didn’t spend it sitting all alone.
In her peripheral vision, she caught sight of her rat ex and his rat fiancée heading toward the exit.
She wrapped her fingers around her warm mug and leaned in to look into Declan’s eyes. “That sounds like the perfect way to spend the weekend.”
Declan tugged on the brim of his old, battered brown cowboy hat. The trusty hat had seen him through a lot of hard days of work and was fitting for this ride with the group.
Catching Belle glancing at him more than once when he settled it on his head was a bonus in his view. If he was going to use her to sink into his undercover security role and not stick out among the group—and she was using Declan to throw off her ex, and maybe even make him jealous—she needed to look at himexactlylike that.
Like she’d spent the night curling her fingers into his back while screaming out the mind-blowing release he gave her. And like she wanted to be doing that again, rather than going on this ride.
Trailing behind the larger group participating in the ride today, they approached the paddock. Wynton ranch hands had fine horses for them to choose from. Some guests had traveled with their own, but Belle wasn’t one of them.
He had to wonder what had brought her here. She wasn’t the only guest flying solo, but she’d latched on to his idea of being each other’s fake companion too easily not to be bothered by coming alone.
Extending an arm toward her, he ushered her up to the fence with the rest of the people there to select a horse. The trail ride would take hours, circling the mountain with a picnic lunch halfway through.
A few feet down the fence, he locked his gaze on Ethan and Haileigh. Each time he came in contact with them, his senses prickled, and he didn’t think it had anything to do with Belle’s link to the duo.
He’d already planned to place himself near them in the pack. Not that he sensed they posed a threat—but they sure as hell didn’t look like experienced horsemen either. If any danger was to come from this ride, it would be one of their stupid mistakes causing an accident.
Belle folded her arms on the top fence rail and studied the horses munching on hay. He leaned on the fence in a similar pose, his elbow close enough to hers that he felt her body heat.
“Have you chosen a mount yet?” she asked him.
“Nah, I’m good with any horse. I have enough experience. You?”
“That speckled mare is beautiful. I might see if I can—”
Declan didn’t let her finish. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled. The loud sound carried on the wind, and a ranch hand he’d talked to a few times broke away from the other guys and jogged over to him.
“My lady is interested in that speckled mare. Can you hook us up?”
“Sure thing, Declan.” He jogged back over to the horses and took the horse by the bit.
Belle bounced on the toes of her boots. “Are you serious right now? How do you know the ranch hand?”
“I spent some time swapping stories with him. Guess I developed a rapport.”
“That’s amazing.” The hand neared with the horse. “Oh my gosh, she’s even prettier in the sunlight!” Belle’s cheeks were pink from cold and pleasure.
The ranch hand led the horse to the gate. Without hesitation, Belle took off to meet her in long strides. Declan couldn’t help but smile when she actually pulled a bit of apple out of her coat pocket.
Very tentatively, she offered it to the horse on the flat of her palm.
He chuckled. “Where did you get that?”
The horse nosed the treat and then peeled her lips back to take it.
Belle pinched her eyes shut until the horse plucked the apple slice off her palm. “When you’re around horses, you always carry a little something to make them happy.”
The ranch hand nodded to her. “Would you like to take her now? The saddle’s cinched. She’s ready to mount.”