Page 51 of Silver Santa

I lay flat on the counter until I felt him wipe me with his shirt. The first feel of cold against my sweat hit my skin and I turned around, covering myself with my bare arms. James grabbed my sweater and pulled it over my head. His breath slowed, but his cock was still rock solid.

"I don't want you to get sick, but that was fucking amazing." His plump lips sought mine as I felt the ground rumbling beneath us. At first, I thought it was my own trembling body.

“You said you’re on the pill, right?” he asked.


He sighed in relief and grabbed his pants off the ground.

“But it looks like you caught all your swimmers on your shirt,” I joked halfheartedly.

The corners of his mouth twitched upward before subsiding as the earth shook underneath our feet. James jerked into action, yanking on his pantswhile I threw on my leggings.

My breathing came in shallow gasps as I wrapped my arm around him for support. “Another earthquake?”

The lights flickered. The rumbling roar was deafening and the ground beneath us shook savagely. James quickly shoved me in a corner and used his body to act as a shield between me and whatever was coming.

“It’s not an earthquake,” he said.

I held onto his arm like my life depended on it. The sound was so loud, I thought the ground would split open at any moment. Then something slammed into the building and a few seconds later, the shaking stopped. The door was knocked off its hinges, and snow blasted into the room. I trembled as James held me against his hot, naked chest until the roar fell into silence.

“Was that an avalanche?” I asked.

“Yeah, that was an avalanche.”

The interior door clicked open, releasing the lock.

“We should go. I have to check in on everyone, and…”

I stopped him.

“You can’t go naked.”

"I'm not wearing my cum." He pointed to the stained shirt before grabbing my hand. We stepped out near the spa entrance, right by the waterfall room. Snow drifted in from above, covering the inside. A scream tore through the hallway from the main lobby.

"Go, go, go," I planted a wet kiss on his lips and let go of his hand. James ran off.

I was about to follow him when I heard a banging on the spa door blocked by the snow. A frightened voice called out for help between sobs.

"I'm here," I said, running around the waterfall to open the emergency exit. The spa was empty, except for a single pregnant woman I'd never seen before.

“You’re here on your own?”

“The masseuse went to get extra towels, and then the ground shook, and I was stuck.”

She grasped her belly, protecting the baby inside her womb.

“There was an avalanche. We can get out through the back. Is there anyone else here?”

“I don’t know. I was lying on the bed, waiting… I… I don’t know.”

“It’s all right. You’re fine. Here," I took her under her arm and helped her through the door. "I’ll check the rooms. You wait here.”


She was shaking like a leaf, but it wouldn't take me long to check for others. I searched every room to ensure the spa was empty before I left. When I returned, the woman wasn't where I'd left her. I rounded the corner, toward the back of the waterfall. The sun filtered through the hole above when I heard James' voice.

“What are you doing here, Tiffany?”