Page 26 of Silver Fox

“Work is one of the reasons I’m here. I’m on mandatory leave. Two weeks.”

“What happened?”

“Motherhood and not enough sick days. The boss wants me to think about my life and priorities. My son is a priority.”

“Next?” the barista asked, and Laura turned to place her order.

She waited for me as they prepared my coffee, and we walked shoulder to shoulder to the parking lot.

“How did it go with your parents?”

“I wasn’t able to see them. One’s in surgery and the other one has a full day of patients.”

“So, you’re free for the afternoon?”

“If by ‘free,’ you mean pick up my son from Allie’s care at the park, make dinner, throw in a load of laundry, and think about my life as homework, then yes, I’m free.”

“Funny. Well, if you’re not free, then I guess I’m going to throw my sales pitch now.”

“Sales pitch? What are you selling?”

“Tristan is setting up a new department at Silver Securities. Allie will be the lead, and she’ll need a new partner.”

“Wait a minute.” She stopped. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Are you offering me a job? And if so, is this a pity offer? Because I don’t do pity, and you don’t even know what I can do—”

“I’m well aware of your abilities, Laura. You showed me some of your best moves in that maintenance room.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make serious offers and then joke about them.”

We started walking again. She clicked a car key button and a Wrangler’s lights flickered about ten parking spots down.

“I’m not joking about the offer.”

“Yes, but when you refer to my abilities and then us having sex in the same conversation as offering me a job, it sounds like you want a prostitute and not an investigator.”

“You’d get to work with your old partner,” I coerced.

“I can’t deny that sounds appealing.”


“No but. I need to think about it.”

“What’s there to think about? A pay increase, benefits, and flexible work hours.”

Why was she so hesitant?

“You’re offering me a job after I arrested you?”

“We’re not all perfect, are we?” I winked.

She fought a half-cocked smile. “You want the answer now?”
