Page 73 of Whispered Surrender

“Hey, I’m assuming you got the information. Jay, I didn’t know Marenah was working for someone else, but in hindsight, the way she fights should have made me dig a little deeper.”

“No, I get it. I’ll send you the original file you sent me on Sasha. It may contain something that we overlooked the first time. I don’t know if it’ll help, but the intel team picked up some spy activity a couple weeks ago, and for whatever reason thought it was Sasha. At the time, I thought it might be true. Sasha works for the ballet troupe and is in multiple countries each year and rubs elbows with the elite of the elite, politicians and all that shit.

“Turned out they were wrong, but I didn’t know until shortly before you did that the team made the connection back to Marenah. They just got the wrong sister. I’ll send you what I have, and let me know what you need. It sounds like you’ve made a good call keeping her away from Chase’s estate and the family. He knows everything about Sasha and Marenah’s family, but this is different. Do you need anything until we find out who she’s working for?” Jay says.

“No, I’ll take a look at what you send, talk with her, and then I’ll let you know first, but we may need to let Chase and Brian know.”

“Agreed, I’ll defer to you on this, Matt. I know you’ll do the right thing. Let me know if there’s anything that I can do until then,” Jay says before disconnecting.

In less than a few minutes, a pinging sound on my phone alerts me to an incoming message. I skim through the information that Jay sent over. It provides Marenah’s sister’s name, place of residence, current occupation, and description. She was born in a hospital in Moscow as Sasha Koslov, which means my princess was with her. Their mother was nineteen and father twenty. Their mother is the daughter of Ivan Vlasenko, head of the Russkaya Mafiya, a man rumored to lead the Bratva with an iron will. My heart is pounding as I read on. The remains of Koslov, Sasha and Marenah’s father, son of the caretaker for the Vlasenko estates, were found wrapped around a tree after Koslov visited the hospital the day before Sasha’s mother and her twin daughters were released in the care of Vlasenko.

I am in a relationship with a daughter of the Russian and Chicago Mafia while working for the Italian Family, and while I knew that, I did not think she was a spy, or I would have been straight up with Jay and Chase when we met to talk about the expansion of the security team and the goal of taking care of all of the families.

I pour myself another cup of coffee and am just settling in at the breakfast bar, determined to get that intel faster, when Marenah walks into the room, covered from collarbone to past her knees in a white fluffy robe.

I glance up, wondering if perhaps we could be wrong, but she takes a seat beside me and blows every hope that she isn’t a spy right out of the water. “So, I think we’re at an impasse. You shouldn’t keep the volume on your cell so loud. I heard some of the conversation between you and your team. They’re right. I’m not into playing games. I’ll be as straight with you as you’ve been with me,” Marenah says, leveling me with those sky-blue eyes.

I nod. “I’ve read you and your sister’s background. You’re both Chicago and Russian Mafia. Bernatelli doesn’t claim you and probably put the hit out on the man rumored to be your father to keep his dirty little secret hidden,” I say.

Marenah inhales deeply, contemplating my comment before she nods. “It’s true. Nobody knows. Daddy dearest didn’t want us to get in the way of the trust that his wife inherited. It’s more than considerable.”

“I thought you were undercover, and that you were in danger, not a spy. That’s why I had you held in Chicago, had a security tracer put in your skyrise, and your key code uploaded and programmed to my phone. A pretty little airline attendant maybe, but you fight too fucking good to not have been taught by an elite unit, and there’s only a handful of them around the world. The only question I have is, Who are you working for? Intel hasn’t returned that yet, so you have a chance to tell me yourself,” I say, leveling her with my own steely gaze.



Dammit.I should have known he would figure it out, but now that he has, I either need to come clean or lie. If it were just me, I might be tempted to tell a small little untruth, figure out a way to get myself out, and just disappear. Unfortunately, it’s not only me and Matt, but Jay and Sasha that will be impacted by however this turns out as well.

The Italian Family will not take kindly to having both Jay and Matt, who are supposed to take over their security teams, intertwined with the Russian and Chicago families, but will like it even less if they find out what I do for a living. I’m still contemplating when his voice cuts through my thoughts and he slides his plate over toward me with a half of a sandwich.

“Marenah, I need the truth, Princess,” Matt says, lifting my chin so that my eyes have nowhere to go except his deep grey steely ones.

I take a few bites, contemplating my next move while he watches me, before I place my finger on his lips and gesture for him to follow me. “I can’t tell you what you want to know. This relationship may be short lived, but we have a little bit of time,” I say, grasping his shirt and dragging him slowly toward the bathroom. I run my fingers over his lip, to keep him silenced before we close the door to the bathroom. I pull a switch that starts the overhead fan, turn the water on full blast, and then press a finger to my lips, letting him know without a word that I’m still not comfortable in our surroundings. He sends a text to his team, and I can only surmise it’s to turn off the mics wherever they are, and when he’s finished just looks down at me. “Tell me.”

“I can’t divulge who I work for, Matt, but what I can tell you is that if the shoes were reversed, you would be doing the same thing. I’m trying to help people, innocent people that are being snatched from their lives and sold. You need to understand. These people are sisters, daughters, nieces, brothers, sons, and nephews. They take the young and snatch them right out of their very lives. They used to take young women, now they take young girls and boys, too. I don’t have long Matt, or an entire truckload of people will be gone, vanished, right into the hands of the people I’m trying to find. I may not be who you think I am, but I’m not one of the bad guys,” I say.

His eyes have darkened. “Trafficking,” Matt grinds out.

“Yes, and it’s getting worse and worse. Every major city, and if we don’t do something, it’s just going to keep going.” I know I’ve been sworn to secrecy, but I haven’t told him who I work for, and if Matt and his men can help, especially in this one case, knowing what awaits these people on the other side, then I have to take the chance, the job be damned.

“I can’t stand the thought of innocent girls being picked up in a multitude of ways and then sold out for the highest dollar,” Matt growls. “It’s the very reason I got into the life I did to begin with. Tell me what’s happening. Take me and my men there. They won’t stand a fucking chance. If they’re holding innocent women, we’ll rescue them, but you need to trust us,” Matt says, swiping his finger over my upper lip.

“There’s no way I can do that without blowing my cover. My job will be history. If I let you in on this, and I want to, you need to know that it has to be done by the book, my way, Matt. If we don’t, it will cost me my job and maybe our lives and those of others.”



She reachesup on her tiptoes, pulls my face down and kisses my lips. “Please, I want to feel you, one more time,” she whispers, and my cock hardens with the desire to be inside of her tight little pussy again, but it’s more than that. I’ve known it since the first time I saw her, there’s just something about this woman that calls to me on a level I’ve never known.

I have a hard time separating my need to protect her with my need to claim her, really claim her, but those smoldering baby blues and hard little nipples are more than a man can take. I rub her rosy little tips, gently at first, and then with a firmer hand as her eyes grow lusty. I walk her back to the wall, sliding her hands above her head, knowing what she needs. “Keep them there,” I say, unwrapping her robe slowly, exposing her creamy flesh, inch by delicious inch. I kiss her lips, and then suckle the length of her neck, moving south until I get to her creamy breasts.

I slide her robe down farther, just enough to control exactly when her needy nipples will be exposed to the cool of the air. As I let the material slowly expose them to me, she gasps, and I take one in my mouth. “Is that what you like, Marenah?” I ask.

She is speechless, just watching me, but nods her head in agreement as I twist her nipple with my hand, gently and then stronger, watching her eyes, knowing it’s building her pleasure, and when she moans, I know it is time.

“Keep your hands above your head,” I say, kissing slowly down her body, letting her robe fall to the floor and tsk when I see she’s covered her pussy with a pair of lacy panties. “You won’t be needing these, Marenah,” I say, sliding them over her hips and letting them fall to the floor. My dick releases some precum, just taking in the beauty of her body.