Page 71 of Whispered Surrender

She lets out a little yelp and flashes me a fake scowl, but her bright blue eyes sparkle with interest. I tuck that bit of information away for later while I watch her heart-shaped ass walk away from me, climbing the stairs all the way to the top, until she turns, no longer in my sight, heading toward our guest room.

My cock has a mind of its own whenever she’s around and my palm presses against it, shifting, so it’s no longer pushing against the constraints of my zipper. Fuck, she makes me hot. I trudge around the breakfast bar and busy myself making two cappuccinos in the fancy silver-and-black machine that Gaby taught us how to use a couple years ago. I’ve just placed the lids on our travel mugs and turn around when Marenah walks into the kitchen.

She’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a tight white t-shirt that hugs against the curves of her breasts. She slides into the university hoodie and zips it up. Damn, I was so not finished with the show. She slides a hair tie from her wrist, gathers her long blonde tresses up, and pulls them into a messy bun that spills down the length of her neck. All I can think about for a moment is slicing that little piece of coated rubber from her gorgeous locks and letting it spill over her bared breasts as she rides my cock. A text from our driver pulls me from my daydream and I glance up, taking her hand.

“Come on, we’re in Italy and we have an entire day to explore,” I say, guiding her down the stone pathway to where the driver waits inside the plush limo. While I didn’t ask for this car, it will certainly fucking do. I hold the door open for Marenah myself, close the door, and walk around to the other side and get in, knowing that he will give us a guided tour through the Amalfi Coast cities as I’ve instructed, stopping here and there, until it’s time for lunch.

We spend the next couple hours navigating small towns and witness the little communities along the coast waking. The driver lets us out at my request so we can walk through one of the villages that I’ve come to appreciate with past visits to the country. The fishermen donned in thigh-high waders and rain slickers are already heading back onto the coast after hours of fishing, pulling in their boats and talking loudly amongst each other, sharing their successes or missed attempts of the day. The bars, as they are called in Italy, are alive with friends meeting for a cappuccino or latte and a sweet pastry. The one we walk into is still open for breakfast and alive with animated conversation.

“Chocolate latte?” I ask, glancing at the menu.

She smiles brightly. “You’re spoiling me, in more ways than one.” I take in the coloring of her cheeks and something in my chest tightens. She’s thinking about last night, too.

The waitress arrives and I order each of us a latte and a cornetto, a favorite pastry of the locals in this area of Italy, which should tide us over until lunch since they eat much later than people in the States.

I take her wrist across the table, the one I intend to restrain to my bed later, and lean across the table so only she can hear me. “Last night was just an introduction, Princess. You have no idea what pleasures I have in store for you,” I say, knowing that I fully intend to spoil her in every sense of the word.

She doesn’t respond verbally, doesn’t need to. Her eyes are bright and alive, her cheeks are flushed, and the pulse in her wrist has quickened under my finger. My princess is responsive in her own way, and my cock hardens as I watch her process my words.

When we finish, I pay the waitress and grasp Marenah’s hand as we walk out of the bar, prepared to take her on a tour of the cliff villages and lemon groves, but I see a shadow darting into a storefront just behind us in my periphery, seconds before my cell beeps and everything goes south.



Matt switches sides with me,taking my hand. The gesture is exactly how I feel, an attempt to get closer to each other, and I lean into his warmth. I’m still trying to deal with the attraction that I feel for him. It’s like this current running between us every single time we’re close, even across the room, and it’s intensely magnified when we touch. Even his hand, capturing my own, sends an electrically charged pulse directly through me.

I’m lost in my thoughts, just walking along the street with him, when his hand tightens, gripping me firmly, his arms wrap around me, and then rapid fire plays out over what seems like the entire village, shattering the store window that is within three feet of us. Matt’s reactions are seconds quicker than my own, and he has me splayed on the ground, his body on top of mine, pushing me into the sidewalk as he shouts instructions to the driver, and I don’t know who else.

“When I tell you to move, you move. We’re going to the back right passenger seat of the limo that’s going to pull up in front. Understand, Princess?” Matt asks, stroking my hair.

I can barely breathe from the weight of his body on top of mine, but I’ve seen him in action when danger ensued, and I know his instincts are good and that he has every intention of getting us out alive. “I know too much, they’re coming for me. You need to protect Sasha,” I say.

“Shh, Princess let me deal with this,” Matt says, stroking my cheek as we wait for our ride, hidden from whoever was firing. We won’t have long because I know for a fact these people have no patience.

“No, you don’t understand. If they’ve come for me, you need to be a long way away from me,” I say just as a sleek black limo pulls in front of us, and Matt pulls the door open, hauls me from the ground, and literally heaves me into the back seat.

He pulls the door closed, and the guy next to the driver yells for him to floor it.

“Did you not hear what I am telling you? There are things I can’t explain, but I am trying to give you a clue, make sure you and your teams aren’t in danger, and you’re just ignoring it,” I say, pushing my hand against his chest when he reaches to console me. “You need to get me to the nearest transit and let me off. I’ll make my way out of the country and call you when it’s safe,” I say.

His steely eyes penetrate mine, grasping my hand at his chest, holding it in his own as he assesses me and my outburst. “Not going to happen, Princess,” he says, and then turns to the driver and gives him instructions before hitting the switch that engages the privacy glass to come down, sheltering us from the eyes and ears of the driver and security guard in the front seat.

“Matt, you have to listen to me. I know you’re trying to help me, but there’s so much I haven’t told you that will impact you if you are with me. It’s better if you just let me off somewhere, please, you do not want the trouble that will follow me. You and Jay, please, promise me, just keep my sister safe.”

His grey eyes focus in on mine, holding them captive with his concentration. It feels like ages instead of mere minutes. “Sasha is fine. I have it on good authority that this isn’t about her or you or your no-good father. This is something else, isn’t it, Princess?” Matt says, stroking my cheek with his finger.

I don’t know how to respond, contemplating what telling him the truth would mean and am embarrassed when I realize that I’ve just leaned into his touch, wanting it, desperately needing it to provide me with comfort. I am not some needy woman. I am trained in not only physical combat, but emotional conflict, but I can’t quite get past the commotion in my mind. He pulls me closer and trails the finger that was just on my cheek, letting it glide lower, creating a path southward, until it’s circling around my collarbone, exploring the prominent bones he finds, and then slipping farther, underneath the hoodie, exploring the delicate flesh of my breast and rubbing the tips of my nipples as he bites into the tender skin of my neck.

I hear myself moaning, as he continues to suckle my skin. My thighs come together, and I try to think of something that will pull me out of the moment, away from the exquisite feel of his hands and mouth on me, but it is impossible. When the driver slows in front of his building, Matt adjusts my clothes and kisses my lips gently. “I’m not letting you go Princess, and I don’t think you want me to. We’ll finish this inside,” Matt says before nipping my lower lip.

“The team’s swept the entire area, we’ve engaged the perimeter security, and the top floor is open. You will be secure here,” the driver says over the audio. Matt grasps my fingers, entwining them with his own. I know Matt thinks we’re safe here, but we only have him, me, and his crew. The people coming for us will have body-armor-piercing bullets and we won’t have a chance.

He guides me into the building, seemingly confident, but I still can’t believe the people we’re dealing with won’t be able to find us. He assures me it’s safe and that we have an entire team watching the monitors.

Matt leads me inside, through the great room, and into the kitchen. “Take a seat,” he says, gesturing to the Tuscany-styled high-rise table for two in the corner as he walks to the wine refrigerator and opens a bottle of red. “It’s an exclusive red blend from Bolgheri, Tuscany, Italy, mature, so we can enjoy right away and skip the breathing process,” Matt says, pouring it into two deep crystal wine glasses and handing me one as he swirls his own.

“I don’t know too much about wines,” I say shyly. “If you want to do vodka shots, I’m your girl,” I say.