Jenny is standing at the bedside with him. Her being in the room, the trust she has that her boyfriend is just taking care of Sasha’s injuries and nothing else, is the only reason I don’t knock him on his fucking ass, but she’s still being displayed all over the BDSM bar, and I want that shit turned off right the fuck now.

The cameras are finally turned off, and I watch as the guy places a mask on her tear- and makeup-stained face, letting us know it’s to keep her from going into shock, gives her something for pain, dresses her wounds, and then tells her that the injuries are superficial and she’ll be feeling better in no time at all, but she’ll need some observation for a couple of the lacerations. I know exactly the ones he’s referencing because the bright angry red welts running the length of her back make me wish I had squeezed the life out of that fucker. Superficial my ass!

When she hears him mention that she needs someone to watch her, she manages to free herself from the mask, crying, telling the physician that she can’t go home and that she doesn’t have any family in the country but doesn’t want to stay where she is.

I place my hand on her neck, under her hair, running my fingers along the rapidly beating pulse and rub her nape in an attempt to calm her.

Brian explains to the physician her status in the country and her connection with the Russian ballet and offers his home until she can be alone. He’s not kicking her out and will provide her a place to stay, and while I have to admit that’s admirable, even though his new girlfriend my not like it, I respect him for making the offer to ensure her safety and have Celia, his house manager, care for her.

I may respect him for how he’s handled this, but she’s not staying in this house with him if I have anything to say about it. My mouth opens before I have clearly thought things out, letting Brian know that I will take both Sasha and his house manager to his condo in the city. I ask her if that’s okay, and she nods slowly before putting her face back into the pillow, starting to drift from the pain meds.

Brian asks Celia a question that I don’t fully catch, something about her taking care of Sasha because he needs time with Jenny, and thanks me for taking Sasha to his condo to care for her.

As soon as Chase asked me to take over as head of the Carrington security in addition to Prestian Corp, I researched everything there was to know about Brian. A billionaire with more money than he could ever spend. An inheritance handed to him when he was too young to do anything with it, kept in trust until he turned of age, but he earned my respect spending five years working with Chase Prestian, my boss and the most acclaimed entrepreneur across the globe, learning the industry from the ground up.

A player, through and through, and while I don’t hold that against him, the pictures of him and the blonde angel with deep blue eyes, the woman now lying on the bed in front of us, the one that keeps me awake at night, and that he used to date, make me see red.

“Yes, go, I’ll get Sasha dressed and situated at your condo,” Celia says to Brian as the physician packs his bag. He turns to me and hands me a bottle of meds and gives me instructions.

I take note of what needs to be done. “Will do, thanks, doc,” I say, taking the bottle from his hand as he removes her mask and rechecks her vitals. Once she’s cleared, Brian and Jenny say goodbye and head out for the night.

“I’ll help her get dressed, Jay. The pain meds will hit her shortly,” Celia says.

“Thanks, Celia, I appreciate that,” I say, stepping out of the room and closing the door to give them some privacy. She’s dressed and sitting up in bed when I return, and I scoop her sleek body into my arms carefully. “This okay with you, Angel?” I ask, looking down into her deep blue eyes.

She nuzzles into my chest and her arms tighten around my neck in response, and something in my chest expands, at the same time my balls tighten, and that’s all the confirmation that I need. I pull her lithe little body against me and walk her out the private exit and toward the awaiting limo. The driver opens the back door, and the grimace on her face as I settle her into the back seat makes me want to go back and pummel the asshole who hit her with that bullwhip all over again.

“Drive slow and don’t hit any bumps,” I say to Chase’s driver as Celia settles into the front seat. Sasha’s holding herself ramrod straight, trying not to lean back against the leather, and her jaw is tightly clenched.

I hit the privacy glass and turn the audible off. “You’re in pain,” I say, and her head nods in confirmation, ever so slightly. I undo my seat belt and shrug off my jacket before releasing her buckle. “Lay across the seat, use my jacket as a pillow,” I say, repositioning her, hoping the material creates enough of a barrier that she’s not uncomfortable with the fact that her face is now in my lap.

She nuzzles into my jacket, and her body visibly relaxes once she’s lying down. “What’s your name,” she says, so softly that I barely hear her.

“It’s Jay,” I say, pushing her long blonde hair to the side so I can take a good look at her in person. She glances up at me sideways, and the deep blue of her eyes mesmerizes me.

“You don’t even know my name, and you’re helping me,” she says, drowsily.

“I knew your name from the moment I saw you. It’s Angel,” I say, and am rewarded with a bright wide smile, a perfect set of shiny white teeth framed by naturally pink heart-shaped lips.

“You don’t know me, or you wouldn’t call me that,” she says, and I see a flash of emotion in her eyes as she begins to chew her bottom lip.

“You let me be the judge of that. In the meantime, close those baby blues and get some sleep before we get to the condo.”



The pain medsare making me groggy, but not so much that I’m not entirely aware of the man who saved me. The very tall, lean, and muscly man that burst through the door threatening the man hitting me with the whip, letting him know if he didn’t stop that he was going to take him out, and I have no doubt the gun in his hand would have done just that. Never once in all my life have I had a man stand up for me, defend me, or take care of me. All I know is that I feel safe nuzzled against his lap as I drift off to sleep.

* * *

I wake in a haze,cradled in Jay’s arms, hanging on to his neck as he walks us into an elevator.

“Where are we?” I ask, glancing at the men around us in embarrassment.

“Heading to Brian’s penthouse and these men are part of my security team. They’ll keep you safe and secure, and you know Celia, right? She’s Brian’s house manager, and she’ll make sure you have everything you need tonight,” Jay says.

I nod, but the night’s events are too much to deal with, and my stomach churns with the reality of what transpired.