Page 26 of Whispered Surrender

“They’re refueling the jet and running the routine clearance,” I say, stroking her back and feeling her trembling. “Angel, you’re safe,” I say, whispering into the shell of her ear.

“Jay, they’re not going to stop,” Sasha says, just as a text comes through to let me know we’re going to be delayed on the ground for maintenance. I send Cole a message with a shopping list and ignore his fuck-you emoji as a response. If we’re stuck here for any length of time, we can at least get Sasha a change of clothes or two.

“Angel, we dealt with it,” I say, lifting the blanket so that I can see her face, and when I do it terrifies the fuck out of me. The resolute look on her face is ominous.

“The secret’s out. They’ll come after me and anyone that stands in the way of getting rid of me,” Sasha says, and the fear in her eyes is palpable.

“You need to tell me what we’re up against if I’m going to protect you,” I say.

She shakes her head. “No, you and your teams shouldn’t have to fight this battle.”

“Who knows you’re his daughter?” I say.

She’s still looking at me with those baby blues.

“Angel, you tell me what you’re scared of, or I am going to light your little ass on fire,” I say.

She shakes her head back and forth, and at first, I don’t think she’s going to tell me, but then she finally does. “You can’t take these people on. I think they are the Italian Mafia,” Sasha says.



He doesn’t look pissed.Instead, he looks at me with disbelief.

“Angel,” he says, pushing the blanket from my body. “I need you to tell me exactly what’s going on,” Jay says, lifting my chin so my eyes are level with his own.

“I can’t tell you, Jay. Please don’t ask.”

He watches me with those deep hazel eyes, contemplating what I’ve told him. His jaw grows hard and firm with resolve.

“That’s the wrong answer,” Jay says.

I want to tell him so badly. I love that he takes care of me, but there is no way that I am putting my entire family or him and his team in jeopardy. “Leave it, Jay, it will go away,” I say, trying my hardest not to shed even one little tear.

“It won’t go away until we deal with it,” Jay says, sitting beside me.

I shake my head, side to side, “No, you don’t understand. I need to get out of here,” I say, sliding the blanket off of my lap.

He grabs my waist, pulling me onto him. “Angel, you might as well tell me because I’m not letting you go,” Jay says, settling me into his lap. The door opens, and Nick starts to walk into the cabin, but Jay shakes his head and points to the door. Nick closes it, but not before I see his smile.

Jay’s arms come around me protectively, pulling me close and rubbing my back with his hand.

How can someone so fierce and protective be so kind and gentle at the same time? He pushes the hair out of my face, brings my ear close to the warmth of his mouth, and runs his tongue around the shell of my ear. “You have two minutes to tell me what I want to know or I’m going to take you into the bedroom and light your ass on fire until you do, Angel,” Jay says, and I don’t know if it’s the threat or his voice or both, but my core clenches and body shivers with desire.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” I say, looking up into those penetrating hazel eyes.

“You let me worry about that. Tell me what’s going on,” Jay says, still comforting me with his hand.

I am still contemplating when he lifts my chin so that my eyes meet his. “You’re down to thirty seconds, Angel. Don’t let your first spanking be one for punishment,” he says.

I lick my lips because damn that’s just so hot, but I know there are security people all around this plane, and the last thing I want is an audience to me getting my ass spanked. “The Italian Mafia and my father’s family have been rivals for years. It escalated this past year when my father started suspecting his number two in command of stealing from him and working for the Italian Family,” I say, and Jay’s eyebrows rise in surprise.

“You wanna tell me how a pretty little ballerina that’s not supposed to have any knowledge of her mafia family knows about that?” Jay asks as his face crinkles with confusion.

I falter, not sure how much to tell him. “He may not have wanted to get to know me, but I needed to learn about him and my family. I know it was stupid and probably dangerous too, but I have this entire family that he won’t let me be a part of, and it really hurts,” I say.

“It has nothing to do with you, Angel. He’s scared of the truth getting out. His wife has a trust that’s worth more than he’s made in his entire career,” Jay says.