Page 23 of Whispered Surrender

“Truth,” she says, and I breathe a sigh of relief thinking she may choose a dare to avoid baring her feelings to me.

“Why did you take off after the night we spent? You ran Sasha, even after I told you I wanted you, fed you and clothed you, you still ran. Tell me what that was all about,” I say, tilting her chin to ensure she has no choice but to look me in the eye when she gives me the explanation I demand. “I was going to take you to the airport,” I say.

Her head drops as she hears the question and I don’t like that one fucking bit, but I’ve already learned that I need to give her time to process. “I’ll explain if you want to know,” Sasha says, but she’s still looking down at the ground.

“Look at me when you tell me, Angel,” I say, reaching across the table to tilt her chin upward so that I can read her emotions and I don’t fucking like what I see one little bit. She’s holding back tears so whatever the fuck this is about is not just her being bratty, and it makes me glad that I pushed to learn why.

“When we came downstairs, all of your men were grinning. They all knew that I used to be with Brian, came onto him that night right in front of his new girlfriend, was there with someone else and then went with someone different into the entertainment room. When I came downstairs with you and they were grinning it was just too much, and then I saw you smile and shrug your shoulders like it just wasn’t a big deal. I just needed to get out and deal with my feelings,” Sasha says, and a little tear leaks from her eye, but I am too quick and catch it before it falls down her lovely alabaster cheek.

I taste it from my finger and watch her eyes grow from sad back to lusty.

“A couple things we should clear up before we continue our little game. One, I did come after you when you got loose of my men because I wanted you safe, but the reason I wanted you safe wasn’t that someone was paying me to do it or that I was trying to prevent you from getting to your father,” I start, but she cuts me off. She’s clearly got something on her mind, and I let her get it out.

“Jay, you don’t need to feel bad. I just had to get out of there. The way your men were grinning at me was humiliating. When your men started grinning, something just sort of snapped. It became pretty clear that you were embarrassed to have me eat downstairs with you. Then I started thinking about what it must have looked like to them. I go to the club with one guy, hit on another one that’s clearly in a relationship, and then go into a playroom with someone else only to even fuck that up. I’m not sure what I did to set him off,” Sasha says, and the fact that my angel thinks that what he did to her was somehow her fault makes me want to snap, but more than that, it tells me that she has little to zero experience in the lifestyle and has nothing but rotten experiences with men.

“Angel, before you go any farther, make this any harder, let me set the record straight,” I say. “One, you don’t ever think that what that madman did to you was your fault. Even the doms into the heavier shit would never have struck someone like that, would have dropped that fucking whip as soon as you safe worded the first time. I don’t ever want you to think that was your fault. Do you understand me?”

She doesn’t answer and just lowers her eyes. She has so much to learn, and my dick aches with the need to teach her.

“Understand, Angel,” I say, attempting to lift her chin.

“It was my fault for going into the room with him. I came with someone else,” Sasha says as tears slide down her lovely cheeks and I catch every single one as they slide down her face.

“Who? Are you talking about the guy that brought you to LA so he could have someone newsworthy on his arm and then take off with the model boy?” I ask.

“How did you know that?” Sasha says, her eyes instantly flashing.

“Angel, I didn’t have my eyes on anyone else once you walked through that door. At least until we had to go upstairs and deal with some things.”

“Hmm, so you must have been privy to the little scene with Jenny,” Sasha says, and her lips tighten, and her cheeks flush.

“I saw the entire thing. Like I told you, Angel, him not wanting you like he does Jenny has absolutely nothing to do with you not being as good as she is or any other such nonsense. It’s chemistry, a match you either have or don’t have. You feel what we have? Did that exist with the two of you?” I ask. Those baby blue eyes drop again, and when I place my finger under her chin to lift her eyes to me, she shakes her head from side to side, but still keeps her eyes down.

“We’ll talk about the rules later, Angel, but right now I want you to tell me why you won’t look at me,” I say, tilting her lovely little face towards mine. She still doesn’t say a word. If she were mine, she would know I don’t find this acceptable, that I always want us to be honest with each other, to see what’s going on in her expressive eyes, complete transparency, but she doesn’t, and that’s my fault, so I let it slide for now.

“Angel, I don’t like repeating myself,” I remind, brushing a blonde lock of hair that has fallen over her face and tucking it behind her ear so I can see her face when she looks up at me. The emotion in those blues eyes is hesitant, fearful, and swirling with doubt.

“It was absolutely nothing like what we have. I haven’t felt anything like this with anyone else,” Sasha says finally, and my teeth physically ache with the pressure applied to them while waiting for her response.

“So we can put behind us any self-doubt on your part. It’s absurd. And about those grins? When my men saw me come down those stairs with you, they were happy for me. Nothing more. They weren’t judging. You had that all wrong, Angel.”

“It’s my turn now. Truth or dare,” Sasha says, smiling at me.

“Let’s go with truth again,” I say, and she nods.

“When you say you consider me your own, what does that mean to you?” she says. I smile widely. My Angel’s starting to get past the noise in her head and now I need to make sure she knows exactly what she’ll be agreeing to.

“It means that I want you with me, Angel. I want us to be together, with you by my side, and I want you to let me take care of you, all of your needs: basic, sexual, and emotional, but make no mistake, I will heat your ass up if you need it,” I say, rubbing her bottom lip which has begun to tremble. “Can you agree to that, Angel?” I ask, unbuckling and moving over to the other side of the table to undo her belt. She’s looking up at me with hazy, lust-filled eyes, but tears are still falling and I know her emotional state is partly because of the sedative that’s still working its way out of her body. “Angel,” I say, lifting her into my arms and pulling her close to my chest. “I asked you a question, and I don’t like asking twice,” I say, capturing her bottom lip with my own and giving it a little nip.

She shifts in my arms and looks up at me with those seductive eyes, her long blonde hair falling over my arm and hanging down part of the length of my body. “I want to be yours,” Sasha says, and my dick throbs hard. I walk with her in my arms to the master suite, push open the door and close it behind us with my foot.

I lay her on the bed and begin removing her clothes. She raises her hips while I slide her panties and stretchy pants down, pull them from her and slide her shirt up her waist, taking my time. We have hours in the air, and I intend to make the most of every single one of them. I kiss and suck my way up her body and only when she’s grasping the sheets do I finally remove her shirt, pulling it from her head, leaving her completely naked except for the little white lacy bra that is keeping her gorgeous breasts and nipples from my gaze.

I lift her to me and kiss her sweet-tasting heart-shaped lips as I unfasten the last piece of material that keeps her hidden from me. I run the lacy fabric over her nipples, and she moans, lifting her hips, and I know we are going to have a lot of fun exploring her boundaries with pleasure and pain. I lay her back just to take a moment and admire the angel in front of me, the raw emotion and the need I see in her eyes, and my dick hardens to stone. I want to explore and taste every bit of her so I start at her toes, caressing her instep with my finger and then my tongue. She moans, and I spread her legs because I intend to slowly make my way north.