Page 21 of Whispered Surrender

My jaw tenses. I don’t like the fact that Sasha wants to know if Brian agreed or not.

“Like I said, Angel, you’re coming with me,” I say, attempting to pull her back into my arms, but my little submissive is anything but at this very moment.

She shakes her head at me. “I can’t go with you, Jay. We have different lives. I have a life here, and I know we have this, chemistry, but it will wear off, and then we’ll move on, and when it does, I still need my life, my job. The ballet means the world to me, and I won’t give it up for chemistry, even though what we shared was absolutely amazing,” Sasha says.

She saidwas, as if it is already a thing in the past even though I just pulled my dick out of her greedy little pussy and she just washed my come and scent from her body. Fuck, she messes with my head, has since the very first time I saw her on the security feed.

I initially thought I could fuck her right out of my system if I ever met her in person, but I already know that’s not the case. I could fuck my angel forever and never get her out of my system. I’m still trying to figure out what it is that we have, and I don’t know how to describe it, but what I do know is that it’s more than fucking chemistry and I’m not letting her go, and she is going to be mine in every sense of the word.

Sasha’s sweet, her eyes are sad, and my angel thinks she’s letting me down easy and that I’ll just let her walk right out of my life. She’s watching me with those baby blue eyes of hers waiting for some sort of response.

“We’re going to Italy, and we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” I say.



I thinkI may have misunderstood him at first, but the narrowed look in his intense hazel eyes tells me that I heard exactly what I thought I did. I don’t want anything from Brian, no favors. I hate the idea that Jay went to him and asked him to help me after what I’ve done and how I’ve acted and I know I owe both Brian and Jenny an apology. I feel horrible that they got Chase Prestian involved. I didn’t even know that Jay knew the man that put up most of the money for the Global Children’s Network efforts.

Jay just wants me to go to Italy with him until the novelty of the sex wears off. That much was validated by the fact that he didn’t even reply to my comment about the chemistry wearing off and what would happen then. I asked him, gave him every chance without sounding clingy.

“I know you mean well, but like I said, I’m not going overseas. You don’t owe me anything, Jay. Let’s just walk away with good memories. I will always think of you with fondness,” I say, sliding out of bed completely nude, walking across the bedroom, feeling the heat of his gaze on my skin, but he doesn’t say a word. Maybe it is easier on his conscience if I just walk away. Then he doesn’t have to feel bad that he’s just another guy who has let me down. I pull the clothing off my chair and go into the bathroom to dress. I can’t help the tears that fall, knowing that I am going to have to say goodbye.

I don’t understand why it’s so hard after such a short time, but I feel an ache in my heart that’s never been there before. I blow dry my hair, brush my teeth, slip into my under things and pull my clothes back on. As good as it’s going to get until I get some rest and some makeup, so hopefully the paparazzi aren’t lurking around ready to plaster my face all over the front page of some entertainment page.

I straighten myself, standing tall before walking back into the bedroom. I will not let Jay know how hard this is. It will be a clean break because I don’t want him feeling bad about this. I grab my purse from the chair and walk toward him watching as he places his phone into his pocket. Jay’s gazing at me intently, but he doesn’t say a word. It’s up to me, and I reach up to pull his head down. One more kiss. I touch his lips with my own and wrap my arm around his neck as our passion ignites. I knew it would be hard, but not this hard. I struggle not to cry and pull away slightly.

“It’s been good. I will always remember you. Goodbye Jay,” I say as he takes both of my wrists in his hands, while he’s kissing my mouth. He pulls back and looks at me, and a flash of emotion crosses his face, and then I feel a pinch.

I look down and try to pull my wrists apart, but he has them locked together with a set of steel handcuffs. “What the hell?” I say.

“I don’t think you understood a few things, and I didn’t want to drug you again. You’ve had a lot of medication in the last couple of days. Now sit down and listen to me,” Jay says, pulling me tight against him, and frog-walking me back toward the bed.

I feel the electricity between us in my core, and the erection pressing into my body tells me I’m not the only one, but we both know that chemistry fizzles over time. “You can’t hold me against my will. I will scream this fucking place down,” I say even though I am anything but scared. The feel of his control and his cuffs on my wrists sends that electricity right to my center.

“You can’t seem to make good choices. I don’t plan to chase you again, although I have to say, it was one of the highlights of the last few days,” Jay says, smirking.

“You can’t just make me stay,” I yell.

He narrows his eyes at me and doesn’t even respond. Clearly, he can. “I thought we could just stay here and talk awhile until you’re comfortable with the idea of coming with me,” Jay says.

I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to be involved and then have it go, what do you say, south. I don’t want to see something good turn into a bad memory with you and then have to say goodbye. I would rather our time together be shorter but with the good memories,” I say.

His eyes are holding mine captive. “You’re so sure it will turn south,” Jay says.

“Relationships always do. Nothing lasts, and chemistry will fizzle out like a candle when it gets to the end. You’ve made your point with the cuffs. Can you take them off now? They’re not that comfortable,” I say, gesturing with my eyes to where they have me captured.

His brow furrows, and he takes my wrists into his hands, slipping his fingers between the metal and my skin and then narrows his eyes at me.

“They’re not tight, and you lied. You’ll find them even less comfortable if I cuff you to my bed while I’m spanking your luscious little ass,” Jay says, and everything south clenches with the thought of him doing that very thing.

He lifts my chin. “Your eyes, your hard little nipples, and the way your breathing is changing tell me you like that. You still think this chemistry between us is going to die?”

I start to answer, but he holds up his hand. “Don’t even answer that question. You don’t need to get yourself in any further trouble by answering a question with a lie. Here’s what’s going to happen. Bernatelli has assured us that both you and Matt are safe, but I don’t trust the fucker. He even got paid more than we intended to ensure that they don’t come after you or Matt again. Matt’s out of the country, and we’ve got teams around him to ensure his safety. I need to go to Italy, and I want you with me. That way I can make sure that you’re safe, too,” Jay says.

“So, no strings attached, no relationship, you just want to make sure I’m safe? Well, that I can live with and appreciate,” I say, and his jaw clenches and his hazel eyes darken.

“You are going to be the death of me,” Jay says through gritted teeth, unlocking the cuffs from my wrists.