Page 20 of Whispered Surrender

Her heart-shaped lips turn upward in the biggest fucking smile I’ve ever seen, and her bright blue eyes light up with delight. I know it’s all for me, and something inside of my chest expands with a feeling I’ve never felt before.

“You like that I had to chase you down, capture you and take what’s mine?” I ask, rubbing my thumb against the creamy skin of her throat.

She leans into my touch and lets out a little moan that makes my dick hard and my balls tighten with a need that I’ve also never felt before. Damn this woman!

Sasha stretches and after a slap on the ass to get her moving, she leisurely makes her way to the bathroom, leaving my dick hard again just from watching her stretch and walk nude across my bedroom.

Bernatelli has finally called off his goons, and it appears this time he has really done just that. Maybe the delivery of four of his men did the trick, even though it cost Brian another ten million dollars for that fucking privilege, but Brian had no issue with me releasing those funds when I told him what happened. I have to give it to him, he’s a solid man, and he would have done anything to get Matt back. Matt is the one that has taken care of his Jenny since right after we learned that she was raped. He’s kept her protected, took care of her, and went after her when she got kidnapped by Bernatelli’s soldiers.

It’s finally over for her, but my sixth sense is telling me it’s not quite over where Matt’s concerned. He was their enforcer, he knows too much for the mafia to feel comfortable with him out on the street.

He knows a lot about their industry, but they don’t know who he is in the outside world since they couldn’t get that information out of him. I know they could have used far more harsh tactics than the beating they gave him, and I have no doubt they were moving him to do just that. They were probably just letting things cool down a few days with the arrest of their enforcer. Whatever the reason, Matt’s been fortunate until now, but I send a note to our top intel guy to have a team follow him.

He’ll blow a fucking gasket when he finds out, and as good as he is, they may not be successful following him without being caught, but it’s my fucking call, and that’s how it’s going to be for a while, at least until I know they’re going to keep their word.

I hit the button that will connect me to Chase and listen as he gives me an update. I know from my team they are dealing with unexpected guests outside of his complex in Italy and that things with Katarina’s family are not going as planned. My team has intercepted the group that tried to get communication plugs into the estate of the Italian family while Chase and Katarina were on the compound. Scottie’s intel from Interpol gave us the who, but if my teams hadn’t been in place, it could have been much worse.

I listen as Chase tells me again about his plan for us to branch out security-wise and to contract out to all of the friends and family they have, but I am only half listening as my Angel comes out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her. Her towel dried, but still, damp hair is sexy as fuck, hanging around her face utterly devoid of the makeup she usually wears.

I let Chase know that I’ll consider his proposal, and I have already talked to my team about it, but I can’t focus on that right now, not when my dick is throbbing against my stomach, begging me to get off the fucking phone. “I’ll be there soon,” I say before disconnecting.

We seem to be getting heat from all sides of the globe, and while I trust every single one of my teams, I have been with Chase for a long time and if he and his family are in trouble, that’s where I need to be. I send a note to have the jet readied and to Charlie to have the helicopter pick us up in fifteen minutes. If we’re in the air by five thirty, we’ll be in Italy late tonight, their time.

Sasha walks toward me and smiles. That chemistry is electric and pulls us together like a magnet whenever we are near each other. It’s almost palpable, and if anyone had told me I would ever feel this way about a woman, I wouldn’t have believed it, but damn it if I don’t now realize why Brian and Chase go out of their fucking minds when they think their women are in danger.

I throw my phone on the bed and sit up, grasping her waist with my hands, pulling her closer to the bed, sitting on the edge and letting her settle in between my legs.

I trail my finger up the soft plushness of the towel wrapped around my Angel and let it undo the fold that she’s created between her cleavage.

The towel drops and I hear myself audibly inhale at the sight of her beautiful body, still dewy from her shower and freshly moisturized. She smells like vanilla and arousal, and I inhale deeply. All I want to do is suck on her nipples, part her folds and taste her, but I know we need to talk because I have a plane to catch in a very short time.

“Sit up on the bed, lean against the headboard,” I say, trying to get some distance between us so I can concentrate enough to tell her what it is that I need to share.

She does as I ask, but not before sliding that perfectly pink little tongue across her bottom lip, causing my dick to leak even more pre-cum.

“You should know that my life isn’t always easy. I work long hours and am in and out of the country a lot. Now that we have you and Matt secure, I need to get to Italy. Chase and Katarina are there. Sheldon and his team are doing a great job, but Chase and Brian are asking me to put a proposal together to develop a more fully developed security team that could be hired out to others,” I say, leaving out the part about the stuff we need to deal with once we get there.

“That’s a wonderful opportunity. How long will you be gone?” Sasha says, sitting on the bed, thankfully covering herself, pulling her knees up against her chest along with the blanket and leaning against them.

Fuck, those baby blues get me every time even though it was exactly what I was expecting. She’s fucking mine, and I’m apparently going to have to spell out what that means to her.

“Angel, what don’t you understand when I say that I want you for my own?”

She looks up at me all sultry and sweet, and I wait for her answer with bated breath.

“I want to be with you, I just don’t understand what you’re asking,” Sasha says, and I inhale deeply.

“Angel, if you agree to be mine, that means I’m not about to let you out of my sight. Unfortunately, whether you agree to it or not, I’m not about to let any harm come to you, which means that where I go you go, at least for right now. I’m headed to Italy, and I want you on the plane with me until everything settles out with Bernatelli and his crew.”

She doesn’t answer the question about being mine, and I don’t blame her because she doesn’t have a clue what that would really involve.

“How long? The ballet tour is on a break for the next two days, and if I need to miss more than that, I need to have a good reason, like a doctor’s excuse. If I miss without one, for any other reason, it can affect my visa and position on the ballet circuit,” Sasha says.

I know all of this already because I have had an extensively detailed report sent to me.

“It will be taken care of. Brian is head of the board, and he asked them to provide you with a leave of absence to go on a marketing shoot for the Children’s work. It means you’ll need to take a couple photos with Chase Prestian, who also funds a lot of the infrastructure, but it’s not something that you wouldn’t have needed to do for the upcoming fundraiser. Now it will just be in Italy and with Chase,” I say.

“You already looked into this, talked to Brian, and he’s already put things in motion?” Sasha asks, and I can feel the heat of her anger from here.