Page 89 of Whispered Surrender

“So I passed your test,” I say.

“Marenah, you did well, that is all. I can’t apologize for my job. I had to be sure, especially with your relationship to Matt. The Italian Family will never condone the mistreatment of women and trafficking, and Matt works for them. One last thing: Kroskov isn’t aware of your grandfather’s involvement with trafficking. He wouldn’t condone it. We believe with the latest developments, he’ll be taking the reins sooner than even he anticipates,” he says.

“Can you take me to Matt?”

“Indeed I can, Lass. In fact, I have strict orders to get you on the helicopter even if I have to kidnap you,” he says.



I readthe text and exhale the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. She walked away, resigned her position, and is on her way to see me, and my chest tightens with the unknown. My little princess has slayed her dragons and is coming my way to tell me, but what she doesn’t know yet is that going forward, her dragons will be mine to slay.

She also doesn’t know that the minute Scottie felt things going south, he had a finger on a button that would bring in our backup, and Kroskov, true to his word, had the boat surrounded and men infiltrated on the lower level in the event things got out of hand. She is brave and trained well, and while it killed me to let her do it alone, I could not allow her to do it without a safety net behind her. I thank Scottie for everything he did and let him know where to take Marenah when they arrive in the city and get to work planning.

It’s a couple hours before he texts me that she’s settled in at the penthouse suite of the most luxurious hotel in the city overlooking Lake Michigan. I know exactly when she’s read the letter, the one left for her on the king-size bed, when she texts me as I’ve asked her to do. While my princess is extremely capable of handling the most difficult situations physically, I’ve seen her submissive side, and it makes my dick hard and my heart constrict with the need to care for her. It has since the very first time I saw her, heard her breathing while she was chained next to me, felt her desire grow as I spoke to her. It was never a question, her and me, it was only a matter of time, and that time is now.

If she is mine, then she will need to know that I will ensure her every need and desire is taken care of. I know for a fact that her heart is consumed with making sure that trafficking is minimized and that aligns perfectly with the Italian Family vision and that of Kroskov, who I know will be a person in the periphery of her life and will be an ally to the Italian Family. I pick up the phone and hit the contact for Chase, who I know is already in the air on the way to the States from Italy with Katarina. I hear the reconnect of the phone to the Wi-Fi on the jet and it takes a few extra rings, but then his voice comes on over the secure line.

“Chase here, Matt. We were all worried about you when we got your texts. Jay’s been keeping me posted on the situation, but I’m glad you called.”

“Thanks, Chase. I don’t know how to thank you and Brian for your faith in me. I mean, this is as close to a disaster in terms of conflicts of interest that we could find ourselves in, and the fact that you both want to keep me on the team means the world to me. I talked to Jenny earlier, and she told me Brian didn’t take the news very well at first.”

“You’ve been taking care of Jenny since her trauma. He knows you hold a special place in her heart. You’re like the brother she always hoped to have. I think you know the situation with her own brother isn’t the best. He wants to protect her and make her happy and didn’t want you off the team, and neither do I.”

My chest tightens again, because I’ve never had a family before, and I now know the true sense of family, and these are the people I care most about, and they are just that, my family. I inhale deeply, finding it difficult to ask for anything more, but in my heart, I know it can be a win-win for everyone.

“You know my background. I’ve never had a family and now I do. I wanted to come to you first with this idea because I know Brian will do whatever it takes to keep me close to Jenny, but I didn’t want you to feel pushed on the matter.”

“I appreciate the sentiment, and Brian and I don’t agree on everything, but we respect each other’s positions when not. What’s on your mind?” Chase says.

“Marenah’s passion is in prevention of trafficking. She puts her life on the line every day to do just that. She resigned from Interpol because of the conflict it would cause to the families, completed the assignment they hired her to do, and did it in a way that the people running the operations were taken out, but will still leave the Russians in a strong position and as allies to the Larussio family. Kroskov will be taking the reins shortly and is adamantly opposed to trafficking. I happen to know the Larussios are staunchly opposed to any activity of this kind, too. We could easily create a trafficking research division, and after what we’ve learned the last few days, should. If the security team is going to keep everyone secure, you’re going to need to know exactly what’s happening on all fronts to counter anything that occurs, and Marenah is passionate about this. I still need to discuss it with Jay, but I know he’ll be supportive. You asked us to bring anything that came up related to conflicts of interest to you and Brian, and I want to respect that request.”

“I like the idea for more than a few reasons. Let’s conference Brian in,” Chase says, and before I even have a chance to reply he’s connecting.

“Brian here, what’s up?” he says to Chase.

“I have Matt on the line. We’re looking at the possibility of opening a new division in our intel team to research trafficking and placing Marenah in the division. It would give the security team an edge and more intel when dealing with the different families globally and any potential enemies.”

“I’m more than good with that. She’s more than proven herself capable and trustworthy in the way she dealt with things, and I won’t have you leave the team, Matt. You’re family. Do what you need to do, and bring her on board,” Brian says.

“Roger that. I’ll talk with Jay and the guys and get it set up. Last thing, I need to make sure you are both really okay with Marenah as part of the family. I know we’ve talked about work, but I mean more. I want to solidify a personal commitment with her,” I say.

“We’re more than okay with it, Matt. Brian and I discussed it and have already cleared the way with Giovanni Larussio. We’ve told him what he needs to know, and he’s completely supportive, based on the way things were handled. You know the Italian Family is staunchly opposed to the abuse of women. We’re all supportive. Scottie let us know you’re in Chicago, and we’re on our way right now. Are you planning to attend Sasha’s event tomorrow and dinner tomorrow evening?” Chase says.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m the one that’s supposed to bring Marenah,” I say.

“Excellent. We’ll plan to see you then,” Chase says.

“Thanks for everything,” I say, and that’s all I can manage to get out, because again they floor me with their dedication and loyalty, taking me in just like I am one of their real family.

I send Marenah a text to see if she has followed my instructions and her text makes me smile. Teaching her tonight will be fun.

* * *

I ride up the elevator,and when it stops on her floor, at the penthouse, it dings my arrival, because I pushed in the security code that she, Scottie, and myself are privy to. The doors part, and I walk past the living room and into the bedroom of the penthouse suite and my dick hardens at the fact that she’s followed my instruction to the letter.

My princess is splayed out in front of me, just as I asked, perfect in her pale pink lacy nightgown that shows the pointy tips of her nipples through the sheer lace and causes my dick to release the precum I’m saving for her. She’s watching me. Our attraction has always been intense, and her bright blue eyes are holding my own in anticipation as I near the edge of the bed. I can feel the magnetic power, the attraction for each other our bodies emit.