Page 69 of Whispered Surrender

“Wait, wait. Sasha is okay. She sent me to the bathroom to get the bag she left,” I say, pulling open the bag’s zipper and retrieving the heels that were left behind.

The intense man nods, but before he says anything else, one of the other men tells him that the Larussio plane is about to land. Shit, Italian Mafia. “Giovanni Larussio is on it and that’s their mark,” he says. “There is a mounting mob on the ground. I have two teams called in, and our snipers are in place.”

“Safeguard him at all costs. Take them out if necessary!” he says, and I realize that I have just heard an order to safeguard the next boss of the Italian Mafia, and somehow both my sister and I are right in the middle of this shit.

They walk me to the sidewalk, and a driver pulls up in a long black stretch. “Let’s go,” the intense one says.

“I’ll take Marenah to Chase’s and then rejoin you,” Matt says.

“No, she’s my sister, and I want to find her. I’m tougher than I look,” I say.

I think he’s going to disagree with me, but the intense one glances over at me and then at Matt. “Save your breath. We don’t have time, and if she’s anything like her sister, you won’t win the argument anyway,” he says.

I smile widely, nodding my agreement. “I think we’re going to get along just fine,” I say, smiling mischievously at Matt, who is scowling down at me, but I ignore it. “I’m Marenah, Sasha’s baby sister by about five minutes,” I say to everyone.

“I’m Jay, and this is Nick and Dereck. Cole is the one who just got punched out by your boyfriend,” the intense one says, grinning as Cole glares first at me and then at Matt.

“Sorry, man,” Matt says, grinning widely and extending his hand to Cole.

Cole takes it reluctantly and shakes his head. “No fucking drama for years and now you two hook up with the drama twins,” he says, winning him a half scowl and a half smile.

Nick looks down at his phone. “We’ve got Sasha, she just checked in at a hotel not far from here. The bad news is that the Chicago Family is watching her card, too. It just popped up on their surveillance, and they’ve just given the order to move in”

“Floor this fucking thing,” Jay growls.



As soon asthe driver pulls up to the hotel, Jay and team leave me with Marenah and the driver. I know the drill: I’m manning the car because I can contain the female. I smile down at the mysterious woman beside me, the one that has so much explaining to do, but right now there is fear is in her eyes and her breathing is ragged. “They’ll get her, Princess,” I say, pulling her against me, stroking the pulse in her creamy neck as we wait. She nods as though she has a thought, or someone has asked her a question and she agrees. “You okay, Princess?”

“I just need for her to be okay. She means the world to me,” Marenah says, tearing up, and although she was taken captive, physically roughed up, and touched in places I don’t want to think about, never once did I see a tear.

“Princess, Jay and our team are the best. He’s not going to let something happen to her,” I say, knowing this for a fact because I’ve never seen him react to a woman like he has to Sasha.

“Who are you guys, Matt. Mafia?” she asks.

I bring my finger to her lips. “Shh... Princess. We’ll talk when this is all over and we can both lay our cards on the table.” Her crystalline blue eyes search mine and she seems to make her peace with trusting for now and talking later.

My headset beeps and I get the order. “Ready the car, we’re on the way down. Jay’s got Sasha; call in the order for a cleanup crew.”

“Roger that,” Nick says, and I know he’s got it covered.

In less time than I would have thought, Jay is carrying Sasha toward the car. I open the door, and everyone makes room to let them in. Something’s not right. Sasha is listless, just lying in Jay’s arms and Marenah notices about two seconds after I do. “Sasha, what happened?” she says, unable to stem the flood of tears at the sight of her sister’s lifeless body.

“She passed out, but she’s breathing on her own,” Jay tells her.

Dereck raps on the trunk of the limo a few minutes later, and the driver pops it open. He throws Sasha’s suitcase in and then slides in next to us. “Let’s move,” he says to the driver.

Dereck scowls when he looks at Sasha crashed out cold in Jay’s lap. “She okay or do we need the doc?” he asks.

“I honestly think she’s just passed out,” Jay says.

“She doesn’t like flying. She usually takes a couple sleeping pills when she travels overseas,” Marenah says, scouting around in her purse and showing them a packet of sleeping pills.

“After the night she’s had, that would probably do it,” Jay says, brushing her hair out of her face and holding her close.

“The angel sleeps,” Dereck says before leaning his head back against the rest and closing his eyes.